Elephant in the Room : (누구나 알고 있지만) 말하기 꺼리는 문제, 금기시되는 주제
this is an idiom, means not to talk about something that is obvious
when everybody in the room is trying to avoid talking about some important matter that nobody wants to broach the matter
clearly there was an elephant in the room
nobody wanted to talk about this matter
maybe when people pretend that nothing is wrong, everything is okay, everything's fine, but they are not talking about the elephant in the room, the fact that maybe one of thme is dying or something like that
this is avoiding
clearly there is an elephant in the room, eveybody is avoiding talking about the elephant in the room
I guess this is probably a fairly common things with human beings to avoid talking about things that upset you a
At the end of the day, it's better to talk directly about the elephant in the room and like that you get to clear the air
Formality : 4