Karma : 카르마, (본인이 한 일이 본인의 현생 또는 후생에 영향을 미친다는 종교적 개념) 업보, 아우라, 분위기
karma is a concept in buddhist and hindu religion that says that the actions that you do in this life will influence your actions in your next life when you are reborn
the word karma, to talk about the things that you do in this life or now, will help or hinder you in this life
it's the idea of what goes around and what comes around
good karma is when you do good things, you have good intentions you try to help people
if you do good things then good things will happen to you
bad karma, if you do had things to people or have had intentions for people then had things will happen to you
what you do now will influence you later
this has the same idea as you reap what you sow, this is a metaphor for the idea of karma
very often use this word, karma, to mean a feeling an atmosphere, an aura
this place has bad karma, it's unlucky, it'snot a good place
this person has good karma and I always like to be with them, they've got a good atmosphere, a good feeliing, a good aura around them
they have good or had emanations
generated by a things or by a person or by a place
but I think karma in reality, an action that brings upon you, inevitable results either in this life or in your reincarnation
I think loosely you could define karma as your fate, as your destiny, this is what the world has in store for use
Formality : 4.5