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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

446. Back To the Wall - Idioms - Back To the Wall / Back Against the Wall / Up Against the Wall

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 11. 16.

Back to the wall : (벽쪽으로 몰리어 더 이상 도망칠 수 없는 것처럼) 막다른 골목에 몰리다, 궁지에 몰리다

you have your back to the wall
our back is to the wall
our back is against the wall
my back is up against the wall
I am up against the wall 


we use this idiom, to say that you are in a very difficult situation
the company has its back to the wall if it doesn't make maney this month then the company is going bankrupt
if you are in a very difficult situation with very few beneficial or good things to do, then your back is against the wall
you are up against the wall
you are in a high pressure situation where your possibility to act are very restricted
the company owes so much money that its back is really agaisnt the wall unless we can find a new investor
she finds herself back agianst the wall and there is very little she can do to get out of this situation
he owes mooney to everyone, his back is against the wall
we are in such a bad poistion 
we have got to pull a rabbit out of the hat to avoid failure
in life from time to time, life throws us a problems and then we suddenly find that our backs is against the wall ,there is we have little few options

Now, be careful of this phrase. becuase you can also say backs to the wall, this is a homophobic comment
somebody would make two other heterosexuals to say that you are coming in contact with a gay male
backs to the wall boys! this is very rude and very derogatory
it's politically incorrect and very informal
this is from the idea or stereotype that all gay men want is to have sex with you
this is only used as a command, backs to the wall boys!



Formality : 4 - 4.5 
Formality : 2.5 for the meaning of homophobic comment






