Illegitimate : 사생아로 태어난, (규칙·법률에 어긋나는) 불법의, 부정당한, 적법하지 않은, 비합법적인
Legitimate : 합법적인, 적법한, 타당한
Illegitimate, primary meaning is a child that whose parents aren't married, an illegitimate child
he is illegitimate
I think this very often dominates the use of illegitimate
illegitimate, born out-of-wedlock
born on the wrong side of the sheets
be from on the wrong side of the sheets
a bastard, which is often said informally
We can also use illegitimate, meanning not according to the law, not conforming to the established or accepted principles or perhaps that you don't have legal rights to do something
this is illegitimate use of your private information
this is legitimate use of cookies, they trick you into not seeing the legitimate uses
if you are playing a game, you could use an illegitimate tactic
that move is illegitimate, you don't have the right to do this
I think something that is illegal and is something against the law
whereas I think I would use the word illegitimate to say that it doesn't go, and you don't have the right to do somethingit's not according to established customs
in a sport, you do something that is illegitimate, maybe it's against the rules
it's not valid, it's not defensible
you can't do it like that
i't not the accepted way of doing something
it's something unacceptable
an illegitimate contract, you don't have the right to make
illegitimate use of public money
with illegitimate, you are giving this idea that it's not according to the traditional way of doing things
you don't have the moral right to do something
if something is illegitimate, it's not legal or fair
defendant regards this court as illegitimate, he refused to recognize the court because he believes they don't have the right to make a legal decisions
not authorized by law
Legitimate, means lawful, legal that you have the right to do rules
legitimate, a legal, reasonable, right to do it
Formality : 6 for illegitimate child
Formality : 5.5 - 6 for illegitimate