Engross : 몰두하게 만들다
Englossing : 마음을 사로잡는, 전념케하는, 몰두하게 하는
engrossed : 몰두한, 정신을 빼앗긴
to engross, it occupies all of your attention
you are so absorbed in what you are doing and that you don't see any of the things happening around you
I was engrossed in making the veido that I wasn't aware of the things that were happening around me
I hope that you are engrossed by the video, you are totally absorbed by it
something engrosses you, it's incredibly interesting
the films was so absorbing, it was so engrossing that I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole film
he was so engrossed in his problems that he can't actually enjoy anything that is happening around him
to immerse, to engage completely, to occupy totally
many people are engrossed in their work and they don't have time to actually live their lives
the novel is really engrossing, you are just totally buried in it
something is engrossing, that is really really interesting
to engulf, to steep, to soak up, to be plunged in something
to be totally occupied or engaged by
to absorb all your interest
to be held by its interest or by its beauty
to absorb completely
there is also another meaning of engross, a rather formal and old-fashioned one
to copy something into a script or into a formal script
to write a pulbic document
but it's rather rare use
Formality : 6