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Six months in power - [사설 읽기] 집권 6개월

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 11. 12.



Six months in power

Yoon should regain public's trust, present future vision 윤 대통령, 국민의 신뢰를 회복하고 미래 비전 제시해야



Yoon should regain public's trust, present future vision
집권 6개월 대통령, 국민의 신뢰를 회복하고 미래 비전을 제시해야


in power 권력의 자리에 있는, 정권을 쥐고 있는

out of power 정권을 떠난, 정권을 내놓은

regain public trust 대중의 신뢰를 회복하다, 국민의 신뢰를 되찾다

public good = public benefit = public interest 공익, 대중의 이익, 사회의 이익

present future vision 미래 비전을 제시하다

future growth probability 미래 성장 가능성

future growth engine 미래 성장 동력

vision = future = prospect 비전, 전망, 환곽, 상상, 환영 (= phantasm = illusion = specter = apparition)


President Yoon Suk-yeol on Thursday marked the sixth month since he was sworn as the head of state. Yet, Yoon cannot avoid criticism for having failed to meet the people's expectations and abide by his pledge to carry out innovation and bring changes based on his future vision. He should have offered a blueprint and laid the groundwork for state administration during the crucial period, but to no particular avail.
목요일(10일) 윤석열 대통령이 취임 6개월을 맞았다. 그러나 윤 대통령은 국민의 기대에 부응하지 못하고 미래 비전을 바탕으로 혁신과 변화를 가져 오겠다는 약속을 지키지 못했다는 비판을 피할 수 없게 됐다. 윤 대통령은 지난 중요한 시기에 국정 청사진을 제시하고 국정운영의 토대를 마련했어야 했지만 그러지 못했다.


be sworn in as = inaugurate = take office = be inaugurated as = be installed as = take up one's post = be appointed = assume office as ~로 취임하다, 취임을 하다

the head of state = the head of a country = the chief of state 국가의 원수

summit = summit talks 정상회담, 수뇌회담

national treasury = exchequer = public purse = fisc = state coffers 국가의 재정, 국고, 국가의 금고, 국가재정

avoid criticism 지탄을 피하다, 비판을 모면하다

avoid = avert = shun = dodge = duck down = distract = divert = evade = elude 피하다, 모면하다, 방향을 전환시키다

meet one's expectations = answer one's expectations = come up to one's expectations = live up to one's expectation 기대를 충족시키다, 기대에 부흥하다

meet = satisfy = gratify = answer = live up to = come up to 충족시키다, 부합하다, 부응하다

fall short of one's expectations = be lower than expectations = do not come up to one's expectations 기대에 못 미치다

fail = go wrong = go amiss =  go awry = be frustrated 실패하다, 고꾸라지다, (일이)잘못되다, 실수를 하다, 고장나다

abide by = comply with = observe (법률/합의/약속/규정/방침 등을) 따르다, 지키다, 감내하다

pledge = promise = commitment = oath = vow = swear 약속하다, 선서하다, 맹세하다, 약속, 선서, 맹세

blueprint = plan = action plan = scheme = schedule = map = programme = design = initiative = strategy = stratagem = maneuver 청사진, 계획, 묘책, 전략

lay the groundwork 토대를 마련하다, 초석을 다지다

pave the way for 길을 닦다, 상황을 조성하다

state administration 국정 운영, 국정 관리

avail 도움이 되다, 소용에 닿다

to no avail = to little avail = of no avail = of little avail 별로 효과 없이, 아무 소용 없이

crucial period = crucial juncture = important juncture 중요한 시기, 중요한 시점


Yoon is taking flak for failing to take appropriate measures on diverse grave issues such as the recent Itaewon tragedy that claimed 156 lives. Against this backdrop, his approval rating stood at only 29 percent, according to a survey conducted by Gallup Korea on Nov. 4, a sharp drop from 52 percent around the time when he took office.
윤 대통령은 최근 156명의 목숨을 앗아간 이태원 참사와 같은 많은 중대한 사안에 대해 적절한 조치를 취하지 못한 것에 대해 비난을 받고 있다. 한국갤럽이 4일 발표한 여론조사 결과를 보면, 윤 대통령의 지지율은 29%에 그쳤다. 취임 당시 52%였던 지지율이 급락한 것이다.


take flak = come under fire = invite an onslaught = be slammed = be bombarded with criticism = be lambasted 맹비난을 받다

level criticism = hurl criticism = pour out criticism = bombard with criticism 비난을 쏟다, 비난을 쏟아내다, 맹렬히 꾸짖다

take appropriate measures 적절한 조치를 취하다

appropriate = proper = apposite = seemly = adequate = reasonable = rational = suitable = apt = valid = fitting 적절한, 적합한, 알맞은

grave issue = serious issue = weighty issue = gross issue = important issue = major issue 중대한 사안

formidable issue = daunting issue = demanding issue 만만찮은 사안, 힘든 문제, 까다로운 사안

sensitivie issue = delicate issue 민감한 문제, 민감한 사안

claim a life = take a life = kill 목숨을 앗아가다, 생명을 빼앗다

against this backdrop 이러한 상황에서

approval rating 지지율 

stand at ~을 나타내다, ~에 서다, ~에 달하다

sharp drop = nosedive = plunge = plummet = tumble = downward spiral = rapid decrease [decline] 급락, 급하락

around the time when ~였을 때, ~무렵에

at a time when ~ 때에, ~시기에, ~상황에

take office = be sworn in as = inaugurate = be inaugurated as = be installed as = take up one's post = be appointed = assume office as ~로 취임하다, 취임을 하다


Yoon was elected with the motto of "recovering fairness and common sense." Many expected he would fulfill his promise despite his possible weakness as a political novice. Such expectations, however, evaporated, as he triggered controversy by pushing to relocate the presidential office and appointing his prosecutor-turned associates to major government posts.
윤 대통령은 '공정과 상식의 회복'을 모토로 당선됐다. 많은 사람들은 정치 초보자로서의 약점에도 불구하고 윤 대통령이 약속을 이행할 것으로 기대했다. 그러나 청와대 이전을 추진하고 검찰 출신 측근들을 주요 공직에 임명하는 등 논란을 불러일으키면서 이러한 기대는 사라졌다.


motto = slogan = tag line = catchphrase = catchword = chant = rallying cry 모토, 좌우명, 구호, 슬로건, 캐치프라이즈

recover = revive = restore = reinstate = resuscitate = recoup = recuperate 되찾다, 회복하다, 만회하다

fairness = justness = impartiality = equitability = neutrality = unbiasedness 공평함, 정당함, 공정함, 중립

a level playing ground = a flat playing field 공평한 경쟁의 장

uneven playing ground 기울어진 운동장 이론. 한 쪽이 너무 우세하여 나타나는 불평등을 일컬을 때 쓰임

common sense = social norm = generally-accepted idea = general[common] knowledge 상식, 양식

fulfill = abide by = comply with = observe (법률/합의/약속/규정/방침 등을) 따르다, 지키다, 감내하다

promise = pledge = commitment = oath = vow = swear 약속하다, 선서하다, 맹세하다, 약속, 선서, 맹세

weakness = disadvantage = weak point = handicap = drawback 불리한점, 약점

political novice 정치 초보자

novice = rookie = tenderfoot = newbie = beginner 초보자, 신출내기, 풋내기, 신입

evaporate = fade away = blur = disappear = vanish (액체를)증발시키다, (차츰)사라지다, 증발하다

trigger controversy 논란을 일으키다 

trigger = invite = spawn = egg ono = stir up = cause = lead to = arouse = bring up = provoke 초래하다, 유발하다, 일으키다

prosecutor-turned-associates 검찰 출신 측근들

major government posts 주요 공직


The disputes involving his wife Kim Keon-hee and his engagement in the in-house conflicts within the ruling People Power Party further deepened public antipathy toward him. Yoon also invited criticism for his actions during his overseas trips, including a slip of tongue shortly after a brief meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden.
윤 대통령의 아내 김건희 여사와 관련된 논란과 여당인 국민의힘 당내 갈등에 대한 개입은 윤 대통령에 대한 국민의 반감을 더욱 심화시켰다. 윤 대통령은 또 조 바이든 미국 대통령과의 짧은 만남 직후 말실수 등 해외 순방 중 적절치 못한 행동에 대한 비판을 받았다.


dispute = controversy = confrontation = strife = row = wrangle = squabble = quarrel = argument = friction = conflict = collision = bickering = feud = discord = disharmony 분쟁, 논란, 충돌, 대립, 싸움, 불화, 갈등

involvement = participation = engagement 관련, 관여, 관계, 관련함

implication = involvement (특히 범죄에)연루

in-house conflict = infighting = factional strife = internal strife = internecine strife[feud] = internal dispute = intra-party conflict 내분, 당내갈등

antipathy = ill feeling = malice = animosty = antagonism = hostility = bad feelling 악감정, 반감, 적의, 적개심, 적의감

a slip of tongue 말실수, 실언

shortly after = soon after = right after ~ 직 후에, ~바로 뒤에


Worse still, the people seem to have been increasingly disenchanted with Yoon for his government's inability to tackle diverse pending issues. For starters, it has failed to provide concrete visions and policies to cope with the unprecedented global economic crisis and serious security crisis, prompted by North Korea's repeated military provocations.
설상가상으로 국민들은 윤석열 정부가 다양한 현안들을 해결하지 못하는 것에 대해 점점 더 환멸을 느끼고 있는 것 같다. 우선, 북한의 거듭된 군사적 도발로 안보 위기와 전례 없는 세계 경제 위기에 대처하기 위한 구체적인 비전과 정책을 제시하지 못하고 있다.


worse still = to make matters worse = what is more worrisome is = more worrisome is = to add insult to injury = to rub salt into the wound = to twist the knife in the wound = to turn the knife in the wound 설상가상으로, 더 우려스러운것은, 더 비참하게도

increasingly = gradually = incrementally = more and more = bit by bit = little by little = by degrees = gradationally = progressively = step by step = steadily 서서히, 점점더, 점차, 점점

be[become/get] disenchanted with = be[become/get] disillusioned with ~에 환멸을 느끼다, ~에 넌더리가 나다

inability = incompetence = inaptitude = inadequacy = incapacity 무능, 무능력, 서투름, 부적함함

pending issue 현안, 현안문제, 미결 사안

for starters = first of all = above all = before everything = first and foremost 우선, 첫째로

concrete = specific = particular = precise = exact = detailed = clear = definite = evident = obvious = patent = manifest = explicit 구체적인, 상세한, 명확한, 분명한, 확실한

scrupulous = meticulous = fastidious = through = throughgoing = finicky = fiddly = finical 세심한, 철저한, 꼼꼼한

unprecedented = unheard-of = unparalleled 전례없는, 미증유의, 사상초유의

unforeseen = unexpected = unlooked-for 예상치 못한, 예기치 않은

global economic crisis 세계경제위기

security crisis 안보위기

military provocation 군사적 도발, 군사도발

repeated = continual = persistent = unrelenting = relentless 반복되는, 거듭되는, 지속되는, 수그러들지 않는

repetitive = frequent = reiterative (지루할·단조로운 정도로)반복되는, (계속)반복되는

repetition = repeat = reiteration 반복, 되풀이


During a press conference marking the 100th day of his inauguration, Yoon vowed to exercise "utmost efforts" not to repeat the bungled policies seen in the initial stage of his term. He visited many disaster sites and presided over 10 emergency meetings with economy-related ministers to find solutions to the worsening livelihood of the people. But the administration has yet to offer specific policies.
취임 100일을 맞아 가진 기자회견에서 윤 대통령은 임기 초반의 잘못된 정책을 되풀이하지 않기 위해 '혼신의 노력'을 다하겠다고 다짐했다. 윤 대통령은 많은 재난 현장을 방문했고, 악화되고 있는 민생에 대한 해결책을 찾기 위해 경제 관련 장관들과 10번의 긴급 회의를 주재했다. 그러나 정부는 아직 구체적인 정책을 내놓지 못하고 있다.


vow = pledge = promise = commitment = oath = swear 약속하다, 선서하다, 맹세하다, 약속, 선서, 맹세

excercise utmost efforts = exert every effort = make the utmost effort = do the best one can 최선을 다하다, 혼신의 노력을 다하다

bungle = botch = ruin = spoil = mess up = upset the apple cart 망치다, 엉망으로 만들다

in an[one's] initial stage = in an[one's] infancy = in an inchoate stage 초기에, 요람기에

disaster site 재난 현장, 재난 지역

preside over  ~을 주재하다, ~의 사회를 보다

solution = answer = settlement = resolution 해결책, 해법, 해결

livelihood = living 생계,생계수단

livelihood of the people 민생, 국민의 생활, 국민의 생계

specific = concrete = particular = precise = exact = detailed = clear = definite = evident = obvious = patent = manifest = explicit 구체적인, 상세한, 명확한, 분명한, 확실한


The situation surrounding the Korean Peninsula has been turning ever precarious. The people are struggling from the deteriorating economic situation with few signs of improvement for the time being. Yoon needs to come with strategies to cope with the economic hardship facing the people, among others.
한반도 정세가 갈수록 위태로워지고 있다. 국민들은 악화되고 있는 경제 상황에서 당분간 나아질 기미가 거의 보이지 않아 고통 받고 있다. 윤 대통령은 무엇보다도 국민들이 직면하고 있는 경제적 어려움에 대처하기 위한 전략을 마련해야 한다.


Korean Peninsula 한반도

precarious = unstable = volatile = uneasy = unsettled = shaky = changable = unpredictable = insecure = choppy = dagerous = critical 위태로운, 위험한, 불안한, 예측할 수 없는

struggle with = grapple with = wrestle with = strive to = suffer from = fight with = strike a blow = bear the brunt of ~로 고군분투하다

deteriorate = aggravate = worsen = become worse = compound = exacerbate = inflame = make worse 악화시키다

for the time being = for the moment = for the present = for a while = for some time = for now = at present 당분간은, 지금당장은, 일단은

cope with = deal with = manage = handle = treat = tackle = navigate = settle = cover 다루다, 해결하다, 처리하다

economic hardship = economic difficulty = financial hardship = financial trouble 경제적 어려움

hardship = difficulty = trouble = problem = odds = adversity = plight = predicament = quandary = adverse condition = unfavorable situtation = hard times = hard knocks = difficult situation = suffering = tribulation = a trial by fire = bitter cup = ordeal = trial = bane 어려움, 역경, 곤궁


Now is the time for Yoon to listen attentively to the people's voices. Based on strict self-remorse, Yoon needs to conduct a sweeping innovation of the state affairs. He should embrace his political opponents including lawmakers of the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK). The cooperation of the DPK, in particular, is essential for Yoon to ensure his smooth sailing during his remaining term, as the DPK holds 169 of the 299-seat National Assembly. It is time for Yoon to exercise his political caliber.
지금은 윤 대통령이 국민의 목소리에 귀를 기울여야 할 때다. 엄격한 자성을 바탕으로 윤 대통령은 국정의 전면적인 혁신을 해야 한다. 민주당 의원들을 비롯한 정적들을 포용해야 한다. 특히 299석의 국회 중 민주당이 169석을 차지하고 있는 만큼 남은 임기 동안 순조로운 항해를 위해선 민주당의 협조가 필수적이다. 윤 대통령이 정치력을 발휘해야 할 때다.


attentively = carefully = with attention = advertently = prudently = closely =  intently 주의깊게, 신중하게

listent attentively = be all ears = bear in mind = pay attention to = give ear to = be all eyes an ears = lend an attentive ear to 경청하다, 귀담아 듣다, 새겨듣다, 열심히 귀를 기울이다 

remorse = deep regret = contrition = repentance = penitence = rue = guilty conscience = prick of conscience 회한, 후회

sweeping innovation 전면적 쇄신, 전면적 혁신

sweeping = full-blown = full-scale = outright = all-out = all-over =  thoroughgoing 전면적인, 철저한, 완전한

state affairs 국정, 나랏일

embrace = hug = hold in one's arms 포괄하다, 아우르다, 받아들이다, 수용하다,껴안다, 포옹하다

political opponent = political foe = political adversary = political enemy 정치적 적수

opponent = adversary = rival = competitor = antagonist = foe = enemy 상대방, 적수

essential = indispensable = necessary = vital = critical = inevitable = unavoidable 필수적인, 중요한, 피할수없는

smooth sailing = plain sailing = smooth progress 순조로운 진행, (비유)일이 순조롭게 잘 되는 것, 조용한 항해, 평온무사

remaining term 남아있는 임기, 잔여 임기

political caliber = political fiber 정지적 능력, 정치력, 정치적 소질

caliber = capability = competence = ability = talent = aptitude = faculty 능력, 자질, 소질








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