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Seoul to separate bikes, pedestrians on Han River park paths - 서울시, 한강공원 자전거로·보행로 분리한다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_314129.html Seoul to separate bikes, pedestrians on Han River park paths Seoul to separate bikes, pedestrians on Han River park paths www.koreatimes.co.kr Bike lanes along the Han River in Seoul will be completely separated from walking paths by 2023 in a move to improve safety for both cyclists and pedestrians. 자전거 이용자와 보행자 모두의 안전을 위해 서울 한강공원 .. 2021. 8. 20.
Last remaining Koreans leave Afghanistan: foreign ministry - 최후의 한국인들 아프간 떠났다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_314074.html Last remaining Koreans leave Afghanistan: foreign ministry Last remaining Koreans leave Afghanistan: foreign ministry www.koreatimes.co.kr All of four last-remaining South Koreans in Afghanistan, including the country's ambassador, have left the country, the foreign ministry said Tuesday. 외교부는 주아프가니스탄 한국 대사를 포함하여 아프가니스탄에 남아 있던 4명의 한.. 2021. 8. 19.
CL to begin rollout of long-awaited solo project in August - CL, 8월 솔로 정규 앨범 프로젝트 돌입 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/745_314013.html CL to begin rollout of long-awaited solo project in August CL to begin rollout of long-awaited solo project in August www.koreatimes.co.kr CL, the fierce and talented K-pop singer-rapper, will release her solo debut studio album in October following a series of single releases starting this month, her label said Friday. 씨엘 측은 카리스마 가.. 2021. 8. 18.
World Heritage Festival to feature Korean heritage - 세계유산축전, 한국의 유산 알리다 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/744_313951.html World Heritage Festival to feature Korean heritage World Heritage Festival to feature Korean heritage www.koreatimes.co.kr Many know of the UNESCO World Heritage List, but far fewer are aware of the value of the UNESCO-recognized sites themselves. 많은 사람들이 유네스코 세계유산에 대해 알고 있지만 유네스코가 인정한 유적지 자체의 가치를 알고 있는 사람은 훨씬 적다. know of ~에 대해서 간접적.. 2021. 8. 17.
S. Korea allows administration of leftover AstraZeneca vaccine doses to younger population - 보건당국, 젊은 층 아스트라제네카 잔여백신 접종 허용 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_313902.html S. Korea allows administration of leftover AstraZeneca vaccine doses to younger population S. Korea allows administration of leftover AstraZeneca vaccine doses to younger population www.koreatimes.co.kr South Korea on Friday allowed administration of leftover AstraZenenca COVID-19 vaccine doses to people aged 30 and over amid concer.. 2021. 8. 16.
Spotify joins hands with LG Uplus - 스포티파이, LG유플러스와 제휴 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/08/742_313878.html Spotify joins hands with LG Uplus Spotify joins hands with LG Uplus www.koreatimes.co.kr LG Uplus, one of the country's top 3 mobile carriers, signed an agreement with Spotify, under which the latter will provide exclusive free music streaming service to LG customers. 국내 3대 이동통신사 중 하나인 LG유플러스가 스포티파이와 제휴해 LG 고객에게 독점 무료 음원 스트리밍 서비스를 제.. 2021. 8. 15.