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Yoon's labor reform drive loses momentum - 윤 대통령의 노동개혁, 추진력 잃어 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/03/742_347886.html?utm_source=CU [NATIONAL] Yoon's labor reform drive loses momentum Workweek reform plan likely to fizzle out 주 근로시간 개혁 흐지부지될 듯 www.koreatimes.co.kr Workweek reform plan likely to fizzle out 주 근로시간 개혁 흐지부지될 듯 labor reform 노동 개혁 reform plan 쇄신안, 개혁안, 쇄신방안 drive = initiative = move = pursuit = scheme = plan = impetus 계획, 추진, 움직임 lose mo.. 2023. 3. 28.
Japanese students' field trips to Korea resume after pandemic hiatus - 코로나19 이후 첫 한국 수학여행 온 日 고등학생들 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/03/742_347866.html?utm_source=CU [National] Japanese students' field trips to Korea resume after pandemic hiatus Japanese students came to Korea on a field trip for the first time in three years, Tuesday, signaling a renewal of the cultural exchanges between the younger generations of the two countries. 일본 학생들은 3년 만에 한국으로 수학여행을 떠 www.koreatimes.co.kr .. 2023. 3. 27.
Yoon faces strong political backlash after Tokyo summit - 윤 대통령, 한일 정상회담 후 정치적 반발에 직면 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/03/742_347428.html?utm_source=CU [NATIONAL] Yoon faces strong political backlash after Tokyo summit Opposition leader accuses president of being 'Japan's servant' 야당 대표, 윤 대통령을 “일본의 하수인”이라며 비판 www.koreatimes.co.kr Opposition leader accuses president of being 'Japan's servant' 야당 대표, 윤 대통령을 "일본의 하수인"이라며 비판 political backlash 정치적 반발 backlash = headwind .. 2023. 3. 27.
Korea's solution to forced labor issue draws backlash from victims - 한국의 강제징용 해법에 피해자들 반발 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/03/742_346680.html?utm_source=CU [NATIONAL] Korea's solution to forced labor issue draws backlash from victims Tokyo says settlement will help 'restore healthy ties' with Seoul 일본, 이번 해법이 한국과 “건전한 관계 회복” 도울 것 www.koreatimes.co.kr Tokyo says settlement will help 'restore healthy ties' with Seoul 일본, 이번 해법이 한국과 "건전한 관계 회복" 도울 것 forced labour 강제 노동, 강제 노.. 2023. 3. 27.
Korea sets record of half million economically inactive youth - 지난달 '쉬었음’ 청년인구 50만명 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/03/742_347507.html?utm_source=CU [NATIONAL] Korea sets record of half million economically inactive youth Almost half a million young people between the ages of 15 and 29 were economically inactive last month. 15~29세 청년층 거의 50만 명이 지난달 경제적 비활동 상태였다. www.koreatimes.co.kr Almost half a million young people between the ages of 15 and 29 were economically .. 2023. 3. 26.
Korean reality TV show 'Physical: 100' proves global hit - 한국 리얼리티 예능 '피지컬: 100’, 세계적 흥행 성공 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2023/03/745_346590.html?utm_source=CU [CULTURE] Korean reality TV show 'Physical: 100' proves global hit Wholesomeness of show core appeal to viewers worldwide 프로그램의 유익함, 전세계 시청자에게 핵심 매력 드러내 www.koreatimes.co.kr Wholesomeness of show core appeal to viewers worldwide 프로그램의 유익함, 전세계 시청자에게 핵심 매력 드러내 reality TV show 리얼리티 TV쇼 wholesome = sound = healthy 건강에 좋은,.. 2023. 3. 26.