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정이로운 영어공부/with 코리아타임스1031

Fashionista first lady draws polarized reactions - 패셔니스타 영부인, 반응 양극화 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/07/742_332243.html Fashionista first lady draws polarized reactions Fashionista first lady draws polarized reactions www.koreatimes.co.kr Public either loves or hates Kim Keon-hee 대중, 열광하거나 미워하거나 fashionista 패셔니스타, 패션리더 first lady 대통령 부인, 영부인, 국가원수의 부인 polarize 양극화하다, 양극화를 초래하다, 편광시키다, 극성을 주다 polar 북극의, 극지의, 극과극의, 정반대되는, 양극의 pole (지구의)극, 막대기, 기둥, 장대 p.. 2022. 7. 6.
Korean exporters start rethinking 'China strategy' - 한국 수출업체, '대중국 전략' 재고 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/07/743_332203.html Korean exporters start rethinking 'China strategy' Korean exporters start rethinking 'China strategy' www.koreatimes.co.kr Seoul asked to maintain strategic balance between US, China 한국, 미국과 중국 사이 전략적 균형 유지 필요 exporter 수출업자, 수출국, 수출회사 importer 수입업자, 수입국, 수입회사 rethink = reconsider 다시생각하다, 재고하다 strategic balance 전략적 균형 maintain a bala.. 2022. 7. 5.
Pakistan unveils Buddhist heritage in documentary - 파키스탄, 다큐멘터리에서 불교 유산 공개 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/07/741_332183.html Pakistan unveils Buddhist heritage in documentary Pakistan unveils Buddhist heritage in documentary www.koreatimes.co.kr The Embassy of Pakistan in Korea produced a documentary shedding light on the South Asian country's rich Buddhist history and heritage. 주한 파키스탄 대사관이 남아시아 지역의 풍요로운 불교 역사와 문화를 조명하는 다큐멘터리를 제작했다. unveil = release = re.. 2022. 7. 5.
'Crypto rebound will be more powerful than stocks' - "암호화폐 반등은 주식보다 강력할 것" https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/07/743_332160.html 'Crypto rebound will be more powerful than stocks' 'Crypto rebound will be more powerful than stocks' www.koreatimes.co.kr Outlook for Bitcoin, stablecoins remains promising 비트코인, 스테이블 코인은 전도유망해 crypto = cryptocurrency = virtual asset = digital currency = digital money = digital asset 암호화폐, 가상화폐 shitcoin 가치가 없는 암호화폐 altcoin 알트코인 sta.. 2022. 7. 5.
Korea's space projects overshadowed by researchers' poor working conditions - 한국 우주사업, 연구원의 열악한 노동환경에 그늘져 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/07/742_332115.html Korea's space projects overshadowed by researchers' poor working conditions Korea's space projects overshadowed by researchers' poor working conditions www.koreatimes.co.kr Uncertainty has been growing surrounding Korea's mission to become a powerhouse in the space industry, as researchers of a staterun space research institute have.. 2022. 7. 4.
McDonald's, Burger King, KFC face bleak prospects of selling Korean units - 맥도날드, 버거킹, KFC 한국 지점 전망 암울 https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2022/07/743_331996.html McDonald's, Burger King, KFC face bleak prospects of selling Korean units McDonald's, Burger King, KFC face bleak prospects of selling Korean units www.koreatimes.co.kr Valuations keep falling amid rising interest rates, changing consumer tastes 금리 인상, 소비자 취향 변화 속 기업가치 지속적 하락 bleak prospect = grim prospect 암울한 전망, 어두운 전망 bleak = gri.. 2022. 7. 2.