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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

290. Live Down / Live Off / Live On / Live In / Live Out / Live Up / Live With / Live through - Phrasal verbs with Live

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 10. 9.


Live Down : 살아가면서 잊어버리다, 수치스러웠던것에 익숙해지다(잊어버리다)

to get used to something shameful 

I will never live this down 

this situation was so embarrassing, I will never live it down 

he has been tyring to live down his reputation as dishonest person

He has never been able to live down his failure to go to university




Live Off / Live On : (보통 한가지만을)~을 먹고살다, ~으로 살아가다, ~을 주식으로 하다

He lived off baked beans

He lived on baked bean 

I can't live off one salary

I can't live on my small salary




Live On : (보통 한가지만을)~을 먹고살다, ~으로 살아가다, ~을 주식으로 하다, (죽은 뒤에도)계속되다, 계속 존재하다

to survive by eating one thing
this guy he lives on peanut butter sandwitches, it is the only thing he eats

you can live on your salary 

to survive with


to continue, particularly somebody has died

his memory lives on in my heart 

his good works live on even after his death




Live In : (일·공부하는 장소에) 들어가 살다

Live Out : (일·공부하는 장소) 밖에서 살다,  (생각했던 것을) 실행하다, 죽을때까지 ~하며 살다

if your are work as a nanny, you could be a live-in nanny or a live-out nanny

you live in the house of the place that you work

if you live out, you live in another place and come into work

you live in the university premises or you live out 


to live out, to fulfill a dream, to fulfill an aspiration

you could live out a dream or a fantasy

he lives out his fantasies in his mind

it looks like he is going to live out his dream of becoming famous

to live out your life, to pass the remainder of your days

to live out your days




Live through : (살면서 힘든 시기/문제/경험) 겪으며 살다

to survive through a difficult period

the lesson was unborn unbelievable boring but I managed to live thorugh it 

to live through a difficult experience

lived through it, insaparable




Live it up : (보통 돈을 펑펑 쓰면서) 신나게 살다, 즐기다, 재밌게 놀다

the phrase live it up, let's party, let's have fun

let's go out, live it up tonight




Live Up /  Live up to : (다른 사람의 기대에) 부응하다, 합당하다

live up to somethign or just to live up 

to fulfill your expectations

to live up to a reputation




Live With : 수용하다, 용납하다, ~을 감수하다, ~와 동거하다

to live with, to accept

I know you're not happy about it , but live with it there's no other alternative







