Sonorous : (소리가) 듣기 좋은, 깊고 울리는, 굵고 낭랑한, 우렁찬, (연설/말씨)장엄한, 위엄있는, 인상적인, 웅장한
Sonorously : 잘 울려퍼지게, 낭랑하게
the basic meaning of sonorous is loud
a sonorous shout, a loud shout
a sonorous noise, a loud noise
Something sonorous, it has deep, pleasant, resounding sound
sonorous voice
a good opera singer should have a sonorous voice, something that is loud, pleasant and deep
deep and resonant sound
in the cave, my sonorous footsteps rebounded and echoed everywehre
a ringing echo, a sonorous echo
he sang sonorously
full and loud in sound
a full loud sound, resonant, rich, ringing, booming, vibrant, deep sound
speak in sonorous tones
You can also this word metaphorically
to mean something impressive, imposing, particulary a style of speech, a style of language
majestic, extravagant
his sonorouos words rang true to the people
a sonorous speech
he gave sonorous words of condemnation about what was happening
serious, eloquent,
If you want to make something sound more formal, you need to use sonorous language, not just informal things
sonorous language
sonorous verse
sonorous words
Formality : 6