Fictitious : 거짓의, 위조된, 날조된, 지어낸, 허구의, 소설적인
Fictitiously : 거짓으로, 소설적으로, 허구적으로
To describe something that is false, something that doesn't exist
fictitious rumors were spread about his hebavior
some people believe is true but it's not actually true
The police received a ficticious report that a fire had taken place
something that is not real, not ture
something that is imagined or fabricated
it's fake, it's counterfeit
the company were fined for making fictitious claims about the efficiency or the effectiveness of thier products
it's bogus
it's untrue
normally created with the intention to hide something to trick somthing
He gave a fictitious name to the police
He told them fictitious story
the accountant included fictitious transactions in the account so that he could steal money
somethings are concocted, particulary with the idea of misleading or deceiving to make up
He fictitiously tried to make me believe that he was a police officer
I gave the police a fictitiuos address
He feigned happiness this was fictitious joy
You can use this to talk about something that's invented for fiction as in writting that's not real
fictional is probably a better adjective to use
fictitious not most normally gives the idea of something that was invented to trick, it's something that was fabricated but you could use fictitious
all ot the events that took place in thes movies are fictitious
they are made up , they are invented, they are fabricated, they are concocted
fictitious, spurious, fake, conconcted, sham
fictitious character
fictitious name
fictitious story
Formality : 6