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5G equipment feared to cause subway screen door malfunctions - 5G 기기, 지하철 스크린도어 오작동 유발 우려돼

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 28.



5G equipment feared to cause subway screen door malfunctions

The high output of 5G relay base stations is found to have caused frequent malfunctions of sensors on subway screen doors that detect obstacles, threatening the safety of passengers, a lawmaker warned Sunday. 일요일 한 국회위원은 5G 이동통신



The high output of 5G relay base stations is found to have caused frequent malfunctions of sensors on subway screen doors that detect obstacles, threatening the safety of passengers, a lawmaker warned Sunday.
일요일 한 국회위원은 5G 이동통신 중계기의 높은 출력이 장애물을 감지하는 지하철 스크린 도어의 센서에 잦은 오작동을 발생시키는 것으로 드러나 승객의 안전을 위협하고 있다고 경고했다.


equipment = gadget = device = gear = apparatus 장비, 설비, 기기

be feared to ~할까봐 염려되다, 우려되다

subway screen door 지하철 스크린 도어

malfuction = trouble = something wrong = hitch = snag = breakdown 제대로 작동하지 않다, 오작동

high output 고출력

relay base station 중계기지국

frequent = repeated = perpetual = a rash of = continual 자주, 빈번한detect = discover = discern = spot = sense = catch 알아차리다, 감지하다, 탐지하다, 포착하다obstacle = hinderance = stumbling block = impediment = encumbrance = roadblock = barrier 장애물, 걸림돌passenser = user = visitor 승객pedestarian = passerby = passersby 행인onlooker = bystander = looker-on 구경꾼, 행인threaten the safety 안전을 위협하다warn = advise = give a warning = caution = forewarn = send a warning = recommend 경고하다, 조언하다


Kim Young-joo, a lawmaker with the main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) and a member of the National Assembly's Science, ICT, Broadcasting and Communications Committee, said the 5G relay base stations installed in subway platforms by SK Telecom, KT and LG Uplus have caused the detection sensors of screen doors to malfunction.
김영주 국회 과학기술정보통신위원회 소속 더불어민주당 김영주 의원은 지하철 승강장에 SK 텔레콤, KT와 LG 유플러스가 설치한 5G 이동통신 중계기가 스크린도어의 감지 센서 오작동을 유발했다고 전했다.


a member of the National Assembly = a member of Congress = Congressperson = a member of parliament = lawmaker = stateperson = politician = Assemblyman = legislator = deputy 국회의원

installed in ~에 설치된

subway platform 지하철 승강장

detection sensor 감지 센서

screen door 스크린 도어

malfuction = trouble = something wrong = hitch = snag = breakdown 제대로 작동하지 않다, 오작동


Since the country commercialized 5G network services in 2019, the three telecommunications companies have installed relay base stations in order to let their customers use network services inside the subway station platforms and trains.
2019년 한국이 5G를 상용화하자 이동통신 3사는 이들의 고객이 지하철역승강장 및 전동차 내에서 네트워크 서비스를 사용할 수 있게끔 만들기 위해 중계기를 설치했다.


commercialize 상업화하다, 영리화하다

commercial 상업의, 이윤을 낳는, 이윤을 목적으로 한, 상업적인

industrialize 산업화하다, 공업화하다

telecommunication company 통신회사

install 설치하다, 설비하다, 취임시키다, 임용시키다

installation 설치, 설비, 장비, 시설

installment 분할 불입금, 1회분, 한 권

relay base station 중계기지국

network service 네트워크 서비스


Screen doors are physical barriers that open and close automatically to ensure the safety of passengers as trains approach station platforms. According to state-run Korea Railroad Corporation (KORAIL), 99.7 percent of subway stations have installed the barriers nationwide.
스크린도어는 전동차가 승강장에 접근할 때 승객의 안전을 보장하기 위해 자동으로 열리고 닫히는 물리적 장벽이다. 한국철도공사(코레일)에 따르면 전국 지하철역 99.7%가 스크린도어를 설치했다.


physical barrier = protective shield 물리적 장벽

obstacle = hinderance = stumbling block = impediment = encumbrance = roadblock = barrier 장애물, 걸림돌

open and close automatically 자동적으로 열리고 닫히다

ensure = guarantee = make sure = defend = safeguard = shield 보장하다, 보호하다, 확실히하다safety of passenger 승객의 안전성approach = pull in = draw in = come in 접근하다, (승강장으로)들어오다state-run = state-operated = government-run 국영의private = nongovernmental = nonofficial 사적인, 민간의 nationalize = place under government manangement 국영화하다, 국유화하다subway station = metro station 지하철 역underpass = subway 지하도overpass = flyover = fly-pass 육교, 고가횡단도로


After analyzing data received from KORAIL, the lawmaker said malfunctions caused by the 5G relay base stations occurred at 30 out of 38 subway stations in Seoul from June 2020 to August 2022.
코레일로부터 제공받은 자료를 분석한 김 의원은 2020년 6월부터 2022년 8월까지 지상 역사 38개 역 중 30개역에서 5G 중계기로 인해 스크린도어 오작동이 발생했다고 전했다.


analyze = scrutinize = inspect carefully = review = check = look thoroughly = look into  = go over = sort through = take a closer look 분석하다, 세세히 살피다, 검토하다

occur = transpire = happen = take place = generate 발생하다, 일어나다


KORAIL concluded that the cause of the problem of the screen doors was the high output of the 5G relay base stations and continuously requested the mobile carriers to fix the problem, because such malfunctions could lead to a fatal accident. In 2021, a passenger was trapped between the screen door and the train at Mangu Station on the Gyeongui-Jungang Line in Seoul.
코레일은 스크린도어 문제의 원인은 5G 중계기의 고출력 때문이라고 판단하고 스크린도어 오작동이 심각한 사고로 이어질 수 있기 때문에 이동통신 3사에 지속적으로 문제를 해결하라고 요구했다. 지난해 서울에 위치한 경의중앙선 망우역에는 스크린도어와 전동차 사이에 승객이 갇히는 사고가 발생했었다.


conclude = draw a conclusion = make a conclusion = decide = bring to a close 결론을 내리다, 판단을 내리다, 끝내다

the cause of the problem 문제의 원인

continuously = repeatedly = frequently = incessantly = continually = ceaselessly = unceasingly 계속해서, 반복해서

mobile carrier = telecommunication company 통신회사, 이동통신 회사

fix a problem 문제를 해결하다

fatal accident 사망사고, 치명적인 재난, 일대참사

fatal = mortal = devastating = letal = deadly = disastrous = catastrophic 치명적인, 죽음을 초래하는 

be trapped in ~에 빠지다, ~에 걸리다, ~에 갇히다

strand 오도 가도 못하게 하다, 발을 묶다, 좌초되다

stranded 좌초한, 좌초된, 발이 묶인


The lawmaker added that KORAIL asked the three telecommunications companies to cut off power to all 5G relay base stations at the stations in January. In response, SK, KT and LG conducted investigations with Korea Radio Promotion Association (RAPA) and concluded in April that the high output of the base stations was the factor that caused the malfunction.
김 의원은 1월 코레일이 이동통신 3사에 5G 중계기의 전파 송출 중단을 요청했다고 덧붙였다. 이에 대응하여 4월 SK, KT, LG는 한국전파진흥협회와 조사에 착수했고 중계기의 고출력이 오작동의 원인이라고 결론지었다.


cut off power = shut off power 동력을 끊다, 전원을 차단하다

blackout = power failure = outage = power outage = power cut = electricity go out 정전, 전기가 끊어짐

in response = in reply to = in answer to ~에 응하여, ~에 대응하다

conduct = carry out = implement = put sth into practice[actions] = bring sth into practice[action] = enforce 실행하다, 시행하다, 실시하다

conclude = draw a conclusion = make a conclusion = decide = bring to a close 결론을 내리다, 판단을 내리다, 끝내다


According to regulations, the output of the base stations cannot exceed 5 volts. But those 5G relay base stations have maintained their power output at 24 volts, which is about five times more than the standard.
규제에 따르면 중계기의 출력은 5볼트를 초과할 수 없다. 그러나 지하철역에 설치된 5G 중계기는 기준치의 5배 가량을 넘긴 24볼트를 유지해오고 있었다.


regulation = rule = code 규정, 규제

exceed = surpass = outdo = outstrip = outrun 초과하다, 능가하다, 넘어서다

high output 고출력

relay base station 중계기지국

power output 동력 출력

standard = yardstick = criterion 기준, 척도


Although it turned out that the high output of their machines was behind the malfunctions, the lawmaker pointed out that the three mobile carriers did not take proper actions, because they only adjusted the location and height of the equipment, instead of lowering the power output.
중계기의 고출력이 스크린도어 오작동의 원인임이 드러났음에도 불구하고, 김 의원은 이동통신 3사가 출력을 줄이는 대신 기기의 위치와 높이만을 조정하며 적절한 조치를 취하지 않았다고 지적했다.


turn out = transpire = reveal = discolse = be ascertained = become clear = be confirmed = be proved = be revealed 드러나다, 판명되다

point out = direct = criticize = indicate 지적하다, 비판하다, 가리키다, 나타내다

mobile carrier = telecommunication company 통신회사, 이동통신 회사

take proper actions 적절한 조치를 취하다

adjust = control = tune = set 조정하다, 조절하다

acclimatize = acclimate = adapt = accomodate = adjusst = get used to 적응하다, 익숙해지다

location and height 위치와 높이

lower = reduce = decline = decrease = slash 낮추다, 줄이다

power output 동력 출력


As the malfunctions continued, KORAIL asked the mobile carriers to block the output of all 5G relay base stations installed at subway stations on Sept. 19.
오작동이 지속되면서 9월 19일 코레일은 이동통신 3사에 모든 5G 중계기 출력을 차단해 줄 것을 요청했다.


continue = go on = last = keep = carry on = persist 계속되다, 지속되다

block = bar = block sth off = wall out 막다, 차단하다

output 출력, 출력해내다, 생산량, 산출량

relay base station 중계기지국

installed in[at] ~에 설치된

subway station = metro station 지하철 역


"It is regrettable that the three mobile carriers have been trying to maintain 5G service quality while ignoring the safety and lives of passengers," the lawmaker said. "For public safety, the companies should immediately come up with measures to lower the output of the devices or replace them with new ones in cooperation with the related government institutions."
김 의원은 "이동통신 3사가 국민의 안전과 생명을 무시한 채 5G 품질 유지만을 위해 노력해왔다는 점이 안타깝다"고 전했다. "공공의 안전을 위해 이동통신 3사는 관련 정부 부처와 협업하여 중계기의 출력을 낮추거나 이들을 새로운 것으로 대체하는 등 즉각적인 조치를 취해야 한다."


regrettable = lamentable = deplorable = appalling 유감스러운, 한탄스러운, 개탄스러운, 형편없는 

maintain = persist = sustain = keep = stick to = cling to = adhere to 유지하다, 지속하다, 고수하다

ignore = dismiss = downplay = belittle = play down = underestimate = underrate = shrug off = shrug aside ~을 대수롭지 않게 취급하다, 무시하다, 경시하다, 과소평가하다

public safety = public security 치안, 공중의 안전, 공안

come up with = work out = put forward = set forth = set out = propose = suggest = map out = think up = devise = look for = seek for = contrive = think out = think of = invent  제안하다, 제시하다, 고안하다, 생각해내다

replace with = substitute for = fill in = sub for = stand in = cover for ~을 대신하다, ~을 대체하다

in cooperation with = in association with = in partnership with = in concert with = in union  ~와 협업하여, ~와 공동으로, ~와 제휴하여, 합심하여

related government institutions[ministries] 관련 정부 부처










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