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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

186. Chaperone - GRE Vocabulary

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 14.

Chaperone : (과거 사교행사때 젊은 미혼 여성을을 보살펴 주던 나이든 여성)샤프롱, (현 사용)보호자, 인솔자, 매니저, 에스코트하다, 샤프롱 역할을 하다, (영국의)유럽쪽 클라이언트와 브렉시트관련 업무를 하는 영국회사 직원



A old person who used to accompany a young and unmarried woman when she is in public

To make sure her morals are untouched, unsullied

Normally an older woman responsible for the propriety of the behavior of a young unmarried womans at social occasions

Her ants always acted as her chaperone

Formality : 7




We can use it charperone in present days, to escort someboy, to protect somebody

A local chaperone for local tours

The pop star is always chaperoned by two enormous bodyguards

To accompany somebody to advise, to show, to protect if necessary


A female nurse for female patient who is the chaperone

A chaperone for child actors, this is an adult who take care of chaild actors

A guide or companion or a mentor

In the UK business, which is an employee of british company that is sent to work with a client in Europe to get around brexit restrictions


Formality : 5







