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정이로운 영어공부/with More Sophisticated Expressions

184. Vocation - Business English - Vocation / Vocational / Vocational Training

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2022. 9. 14.

Vocation : 천직, 소명, (어떤 일에 대한)소명 의식, (성직자가 되어야 한다는)소명 의식

It is type of work that you really feel a passion to do it, something that you really suits you

it is right job for you

It particulary talks about a religious callling, calling of the individuals by god for religious career

His vocation was to become a priest 

We can use vacation more generally, a certain type of work, something that what you really want to do

Special calling

Predisposition to for one particualr career



Vocational : (특정 종류의) 직업과 관련된

Vocational Training : 직업교육

To provide people with practical skills and knowledge that prepare you for particular jobs

Vocational counseling

Vocational school



Formality : 6 - 6.5





