Stultify : 억제하다, 저해하다, 방해하다, 무력하게 만들다, 효력없게 만들다, (의욕/열정 등을)없애다, 줄이다, 멍청하게 보이게 하다(해당 뜻은 old-fashioned 이라 잘 사용X)
Stultify / Stultifying
-> it prevent them from developing new idea
-> they are stultifying new laws
-> to staultify to cause sth to lose initiative
-> somthing to lose enthusiasm
-> somthing that obstructs, impedes, hampers, thwarts, suppresses
-> make sth ineffective to negate, to invalidate, to impair it
-> alcohol stultifies the senses
-> the class was so boring, I was stultified by it
-> to reduce the capacity
-> to deprive sth of strength to make it much less efficient
-> to null, to deprive
-> stultify our efforts
-> air pollutants can stultify the growth of children
-> to bring it down
-> to inhibit it
-> to abstract
-> to suppress
-> to deaden
-> to take away the strength
-> to take away the efficiency
-> to nullify
-> it is quite old-fashion while using as a meaning of " look stupid", be careful to use it like this
-> formality 6.5 - 7