Yearn : 갈망하다, 동경하다
Yearning : 갈망, 동경
Yearn / Yearning
-> to yearn, really strongly want to have it
-> particulary the things you can't have or something that's really really difficult to get
-> yearn for somthing
-> desire to do something
-> to wish for something particularly in a rather sad and wishful way
-> feel a yearning for
-> the thing that you are not likely to get
-> intense desire for something
-> yearned for better life
-> strong, often sad and a bit melancholic desire or something
-> feel sympathy
-> to yearn, to long for, to pine for
-> how strongly desire
-> wholehearted desire
-> crave for, to itch for, to languish for
-> thirst for, hunger for, hunger after
-> yearning to be free, desiring to be free
-> a yearning for the war
-> literary, poetic, descriptive and something like that
-> formallity 6.5