Head of senior citizens group calls for raising elderly age threshold from 65 to 75
About 30 percent of Koreans, aged between 18 and 49, support the abolition of the national pension system amid waning public trust in the fund, a recent poll shows. ...
Lee Joong-keun advocates increasing age for welfare benefits amid aging society
senior citizens 노인들
elderly age 중장년층
call for = request = demand = call on = urge = exhort = adjure = enjoin 명하다, 요구하다, 요청하다
threshold 문지방, 한계점, 문턱
advocate = support = shore up = prop up = back up = countenance = stand by = hold up = stand with 지자하다
aging society 노령화사회
super aging society 초고령 사회
welfare benefits 복시 혜택
The new chairman of the Korean Senior Citizens Association proposed Monday that the minimum age for eligibility for senior welfare benefits be raised from 65 to 75 in light of the rapidly aging population. This proposal comes amid years of debate over whether the nation should raise the age that defines the elderly from the current 65. This age serves as the criterion for determining retirement at companies and for the government's provision of various welfare programs, as the elderly population continues to grow rapidly.
the Korean Senior Citizens Association 대한 노인회
propose = suggest = put forward = set forth 제안하다, 제시하다
minimum age for eligibility 최소 자격 연령
in light of = considering = given that = inasmuch as ~에 비추어, ~을 고려하여
years of debate over 수년간에 걸친 ~에 대한 논쟁
criterion (판단이나 결정을 위한) 기준
provision (법률 관련 문서의) 조항, 규정, 단서, 대비, 준비
grow rapidly = burgeon = increase sharply = skyrocket = soar = surge = go through the roof 증가하다, 급증하다
At his inaugural ceremony in Seoul, Lee Joong-keun, 83, urged policymakers to revise the definition of elderly and gradually raise the eligibility age for social programs, including state pensions. He emphasized that the current system is unsustainable for supporting the increasing number of older citizens.
inaugural ceremony 취임식
urge = call for = request = demand = call on = exhort = adjure = enjoin 명하다, 요구하다, 요청하다
revise = amend = correct = change = shift = modify = retouch = adjust = refine = polish = put right = set right 개정하다, 수정하다
social program 사회 프로그램
state pensions 국가 연금, 국민 연금
emphasize = stress = underscore = underline = highlight 강조하다
unsustainable (동일한 수준·정도 등으로) 지속 불가능한
“The number of elderly citizens is about 10 million now. But it will increase to 20 million by 2050. Excluding the 10 million minors, the remaining 2 million (working-age) people will have to support the elderly,” Lee said at the event at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry. “To maintain the number of senior citizens at around 12 million, I would propose to the government the idea of raising the (legal elderly) age by one every year over the next 10 years.”
elderly citizens 노년층, 노인들
minor = teen = teenage = juvenile = adolescent = youth = the underage 청소년, 10대, 미성년자
legal elderly age 법정 노인 연령
As part of efforts to maintain the country’s productivity and sustain its welfare system, Lee, who is also the founder and chairman of property developer Booyoung Group, suggested raising the legal retirement age to 75 and providing support to companies that would enable older people to continue working. For example, a man who retires at 65 should be allowed to work during the first year after retirement at 40 percent of the peak salary he used to receive, and at 20 percent of that salary at the age of 75, Lee said.
as part of efforts to ~하기 위한 노력으로
productivity 생산성
peak salary 임금 피크제
after retirement 은퇴후에
“I hope people aged between 65 and 75 will serve as a social buffer before reaching the age defined as elderly,” he said. “The government is expected to spend 30 to 40 trillion won ($22 billion to $30 billion) on senior welfare. If this money is used to support them directly through work programs, it could cover costs over the next 10 years. If I can guarantee 10 more years of work for our (Booyoung) employees, I would also participate in hiring workers beyond the retirement age.”
serve as = play a role in ~로 역할을 하다
senior welfare 고령자 복지
participate in = take part in = partake in = join in = engage in ~에 참여하다, ~에 관계하다
retirement age 은퇴연령
Social perceptions of what age is considered "too old" have evolved in recent decades. In 2024, a baby born in Korea is expected to live for more than 84 years. However, the legal system remains rooted in outdated views, he said. “Few of those aged 65 would call themselves as elderly citizens,” Lee said. “They would say, ‘What should we do after retiring way too early?' ... My point is to let them continue to work and be productive if they wish.”
social perceptions 사회적 인식
legal system 법률제도, 법체제
remain rooted in ~에 머물러 있다, ~에 뿌리 내려 있다
outdated = old-fashioned = old school = out-of date = outmoded = obsolete = no longer in use 구식의, 오래된
way too early 너무 일찍이, 너무 이른시간에
His remarks came as Korea is forecast to become a super-aged society, where more than 20 percent of the population are 65 years or older. With its total fertility rate stuck at 0.7, the world’s lowest level, the country is expected to feel the impact of the dramatic demographic change in the coming decades. The country’s pension fund, which is expected to be depleted by 2055, is one of many areas that remain vulnerable to that risk.
remark = statement = observation = utterance = comment = word = expression = saying = speaking = delivery = voicing 발언, 언급, 말
be forecast to = be expected to = be anticipated to = be looked to = be predicted = be viewed = be presumed to = be estimated to ~할 것으로 예상되다, ~할 것으로 추장되다
fertility rate = birth rate = childbirth rate 출산율
stick at = cling to = adhere to = stick to = stand pat 고수하다, 유지하다
demographic change 인구통계학적 변화
pension fund 년금 기금
deplete = decrease sharply 대폭 감소하다, 격감시키다
vulnerable = fragile = weak = delicate = easily breaking = easy to break = weakened 취약한, 허약한, 손상되기 쉬운
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