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Korean cities battle autumn's ginkgo nut challenge - 가을 은행나무 열매 도전에 맞서 싸우는 한국 도시들

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 10. 16.



Korean cities battle autumn's ginkgo nut challenge

Ginkgo trees have long been appreciated by Koreans. Representing hope, peace, vitality and love, they are often found near schools, parks and forests. Thanks to their vibrant colors and resilience to pollution, they have also been chosen to line city stree



Ginkgo trees have long been appreciated by Koreans. Representing hope, peace, vitality and love, they are often found near schools, parks and forests. Thanks to their vibrant colors and resilience to pollution, they have also been chosen to line city streets.


ginkgo nut 은행(은행나무 열매)

ginkgo tree = maidenhair tree 은행나무

be appreciated 인정받다, 인식되다, 평가되다

vitality = vigour = animation = spirit = energy = liveliness = pep = dynamism = vibrancy = bounce = brio = go = 활력

vibrant = exciting = brilliant = spirited = lively = full of life = full of spirit = high-spirited = animated = energetic = vivid = vivacious 활기찬, 선명한, 강렬한, 힘찬

resilience to = resiliency to = adaptability = flexibility = pliability = suppleness = acclimatization = acclimation ~에 대한 회복력, ~에 대한 유연함

line ~을 따라 줄을 세우다, 막을 형성하다, ~을 따라 늘어서다


However, the strong odor of ginkgo nuts has become a source of criticism in urban areas. City streets are frequently littered with cracked nuts, which have an unpleasant smell. Those who step on them or handle them find the pungent smell lingers on their skin or shoes.


odor = scent = smell = stench = reek = stink = fragrance 냄새, 악취, 냄새

become a source of criticism 지탄의 원천이 되다, 비난거리가 되다, 비난의 중심이 되다

be littered with ~로 어수선해지다, ~로 흐트러지다

cracked 금이간, 갈라진, 깨진

unpleasant = unpleasing = uncomfortable = disagreeable = disapproving = offensive = nasty = objectionable = foul = displeased = disgusting = revolting = awful 불쾌한, 불편한, 역겨운

step on = stamp on = trample on ~을 밟다, ~을 짓밟다, ~을 감정을 상하게 하다

pungent smell 톡 쏘는 듯한 냄새, 자극취, 몹시 자극적인 냄새

pungent 톡쏘는 듯한, 몹시 자극적인, 날카로운, 신랄한

pungent criticism 신랄한 비판

linger on = circle = hover around = last = endure = hang around = loiter around = persist = persevere on = continue = carry on = go on = keep on 지속되다, 계속되다, 맴돌다


"I walk carefully when I see ginkgo nuts because I don't want the bad smell on me," a Seoul resident told a local newspaper. Cyclists and pedestrians sometimes put themselves at risk by trying to avoid the nuts. In response, local governments roll up their sleeves to deal with the issue every autumn.


pedestrians = walker = person on foot = rambler = stroller 보행자, 걷는 사람

looker-on = spectator = bysatnder = onlooker 방관자, 구경꾼, 행인

motorist (승용차)운전자

cyclist =bycyclist 자전거 타는 사람

put sth at risk = jeopardize = threaten = put in danger = imperil = risk = menace 위태롭게 하다, ~을 위험에 처하게 하다

in response = in response to ~에 대응하여, ~에 응하여

roll up one's sleeves to = turn up one's sleeves to = step up efforts = double down on = redouble (큰 일의) 준비를 하다, 팔을 걷고 나서다

deal with = cope with = handle = manage = treat = tackle = resolve = solve = address = navigate 해결하다, 다루다, 처리하다


The Seoul Metropolitan Government, for example, actively collects the nuts from the 25,127 ginkgo trees it oversees that bear nuts — which only female trees produce. Special vehicles and machines are used for collection, and large nets are installed around the trees.


collect the nuts 열매를 수호가하다, 열매를 줍다, 열매를 모으다

bear nuts  열매를 맺다, 열매를 가지고 있다

be used for ~을 위해 사용되다

be installed around = be put in = be built = be constructed ~주위에 설치되다


Daegu, a city in southeastern Korea, and Suwon, Gyeonggi Province, have also followed suit. The collected nuts are usually donated instead of being discarded, as they are known for their nutritional and medicinal properties. However, there is less demand these days. "People are more reluctant to take them so much this year because the nuts grow in polluted environments, and people are worried about possible negative impacts on their health," a Seoul city official told a media outlet.


follow suit 남이 한대로 따라 하다

instead on = in lieu of ~대신에

discard = throw away = dump = dispose of = throw out = junk = ditch 버리다

nutritional properties 영양분, 영양성분

medicinal properties 약효성분

be reluctant to = be hesitant to = hesitate = balk at = um and aah = waver = dither about = hang back = be unwilling to = shun = avoid = be averse to = be antipathetic to ~을 꺼려하다, ~을 망설이다

polluted environments = contaminated environments 오염된 환경

negative impacts on = adverse influence on = put a crimp in = put a crimp on ~에 부정적인 영향

media outlet 매스컴


Some local governments have taken additional measures. Gangbuk District of northeastern Seoul replaced over 1,000 female ginkgo trees with male trees last year. Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, has a plan to uproot 233 female ginkgo trees and plant male ones this year.


take additional measures = take other actions 추가적인 조치를 취하다

additional = extra = secondary = incidental = collateral = auxiliary = ancillary = supplementary = complementary = further = supplemental = added 부수적인, 보완적인, 추가적인, 이차적인

replace with = substitute with = supplant with 로 대체하다, ~로 대신하다

uproot = root out = pull up = take out = rip out = eradicate = get rid of = eliminate = weed out 나무·화초 등을) 뿌리째 뽑다, 오래 살던 곳에서 떠나다









"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly



