JobKorea to host networking party for foreign jobseekers
JobKorea will host the KLiK Happy Hour networking party for foreign jobseekers at the company’s office near Seoul National University of Education Station in southeastern Seoul on Oct. 24, the recruitment platform operator said, Thursday.
JobKorea will host the KLiK Happy Hour networking party for foreign jobseekers at the company’s office near Seoul National University of Education Station in southeastern Seoul on Oct. 24, the recruitment platform operator said, Thursday.
happy hour 특별 할인 시간대, 행복한 시간대, 서비스타임
networking party 네트워킹 파티
jobseeker = job hunter 구직자
recruitment platform 채용 플렛폼
platform operator 플렛폼 사업자
The event is intended to teach foreigners looking for jobs in Korea how to use JobKorea’s KLiK service, which displays job postings in various foreign languages. The service also shows the visa status, Korean fluency and education level needed for each job role.
be intended to ~의 의도가 있다
look for jobs = look for positions = hunt for a job = job-hunt = look for work = go job-hunting = search for a job = seek employment 구직 활동을 하다
job postings 채용 공고
visa status 비자 생태
education level 교육 수준
JobKorea said that the event will help foreign jobseekers build personal networks and share information about how to find jobs here. At the event, participants will enjoy food and drinks, fostering open conversations in a friendly atmosphere, according to JobKorea.
foreign jobseeker 외국인 구직자
build personal networks 개인적인 네트워크를 쌓다
share information about ~에 대한 정보를 공유하다
foster = encourage = cheer up = buoy up = boost = cultivate = foment = inspire = stimulate 격려하다, 활발하게 하다
open conversations = open communications 열린 대화, 개방적 의사소통
in a friendly atmosphere 친근한 분위기에서
The participants will also receive goods promoting JobKorea and Albamon, its sister platform for those looking for part-time work. “It is difficult for foreign jobseekers to search for job information online,” said Chris Heo, who leads KLiK service at JobKorea.
part-time work = part-time job 시간제 일, 부업, 아르바이트
search for a job = look for jobs = look for positions = hunt for a job = job-hunt = look for work = go job-hunting = seek employment 구직 활동을 하다
“We hope the networking event will help foreign jobseekers obtain job information and communicate with their peers who have similar experiences.” Heo added that JobKorea will upgrade KLiK for foreign jobseekers to obtain the entirety of the job information, which is usually only available in Korean, through the service.
obtain = gain = procure = attain = gather = glean = garner = acquire = get = collect = win 얻다, 획득하다
job information 구인 정보
communicate with = converse with = talk to = have a talk = hold a conversation with = interact with ~와 연락하다, ~와 소통하다
entirety 전체, 전부
JobKorea also intends to facilitate meetings between foreign jobseekers and currently employed foreign nationals in Korea, as well as sessions with experts in IT, programming, marketing and international sales.
intend to = aim to = aim for = focus on = concentrate on = center on = have an intention of ~할 작정이다, ~할 목적이다
as well as = besides = in addition to = additionally = at the same time = simultaneously = concurrently 게다가, 뿐만아니라
international sales 해외 영업, 국제 영업
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