30% of young Koreans support abolition of national pension system: poll
The government is seeking to gradually increase the pension premium rate from the current 9 percent of income to 13 percent and the pension's income replacement rate from 40 percen...
About 30 percent of Koreans, aged between 18 and 49, support the abolition of the national pension system amid waning public trust in the fund, a recent poll shows. According to a survey, released on Sunday, people in those age groups share a distrust of the sustainability of the fund, which is expected to be depleted around 30 years in the future.
national pension system 국민 연금 제도
abolition = defeasance = rescindment = dissolution = withdrawal = scrap = recantation = revocation = ending = stopping = scrapping = termination = cancellation = annulment = nullification = negation = repudiation = pronouncement = denial = disavowal 폐지, 무효화, 철폐, 반대
wane = decrease = reduce = subside = diminish = dwindle = shrink = decline = disappear = deplete = exhaust = use up = drain = drop = become weak = abate = recede = fade = wither away 약해지다, 줄어들다, 감소하다
public trust 대중의 신뢰, 세간의 신뢰, 국민들의 신뢰
distrust = mistrust = suspicion = lack of trust = disbelief = discredit = wariness = chariness 불신, 불신감, 불신하다
sustainability 지속가능성
Asked to choose one of four options to improve its financial soundness — increasing the premium rate, focusing on reducing the burden of future generations, abolishing the system and “not sure” — 31.8 percent of those in their 40s selected the option of dissolution. The objection rate was also high for those in their 30s (29 percent) and those aged between 18 and 29 (29.4 percent), compared with those in their 50s (17.1 percent), 60s (6.7 percent) and 70s (10.5 percent).
financial soundness 재정적 견실성, 재정적 건전성
premium rate 할증 요금, 특별 요금
focus on = concentrate on = center on = aim to ~에 초점을 맞추다
reduce the burden of 부담을 줄이다
dissolution = abolition = defeasance = rescindment = withdrawal = scrap = recantation = revocation = ending = stopping = scrapping = termination = cancellation = annulment = nullification = negation = repudiation = pronouncement = denial = disavowal 폐지, 무효화, 철폐, 반대
objection rate 반대율, 부정율
When asked whether the government should increase the premium rate from the current 9 percent of income, about half of people aged 49 or younger said they did not support the idea. The objection rate was much lower among people in their 50s (42.5 percent), 60s (28.5 percent) and 70s (22 percent). The results demonstrate skepticism about the pension system among young Koreans, which contrasts with their elders who hold more favorable views.
when asked whether ~인지에 대해 물었을 때
support the idea 생각을 지지하다
demonstrate = display = illustrate = indicate = point out = show = substantiate = manifest = mean = represent = articulate = exhibit 증명하다, 보여주다
skepticism = doubt = misgiving = dubiety = wariness = distrust = mistrust = suspicion = incredulity = disbelief 의혹, 불신, 의심
contrast with = be contrasted with ~와 대조를 이루다, ~와 대비하다
favorable view 낙관적 견해, 낙관론
This comes at a time when the government is pushing to reform the system to make it more sustainable and reliable. Last month, the Ministry of Health and Welfare announced that it was seeking to increase the pension premium rate gradually to 13 percent of income and the pension’s income replacement rate from 40 percent to 42 percent
come at a time when ~한 시점에 나오다, ~한 시점에 발표하다
reform = reshuffle = reorganize = rearrange = adjust = alter = change = ameliorate = restructure = upheaval 개편하다
income replacement rate 소득 대체율
The nation’s pension fund, one of the world’s largest with 1,147 trillion won ($850 billion) in assets, is expected to be depleted by 2055. Payments are expected to exceed contributions starting in 2041 due to the declining number of newborns, who are future contributors.
pension fund 연금기금
deplete = exhaust = use up = consume = expend = drain 대폭감소하다, 고갈되다, 다쓰다
exceed = surpass = outstrip = outdo = overrun = outrun = outperform = go beyond = beat = outpace 초과하다, 능가하다, 넘어서다
declining = decreasing = diminishing = dwindling = reducing = reducing = dropping = lessening = shrinking 줄어드는, 감소하는
the number of newborns 신생아 수, 출생아 수
future contributions 미래 분담금, 미래 개인 분담금
contribution (의료 보험·연금 등에 대한) 개인 분담금, 기부금, 성금, 기여, 이바지; 원인 제공
Asked to choose between prioritizing the pension’s financial soundness and benefits for recipients, 55.5 percent said the former should be considered first before expanding benefits, compared with 33 percent who chose the latter. The relative poverty rate for people aged 66 or older in Korea stood at 40.4 percent in 2020, far higher than the OECD average of 14.2 percent, according to its data.
prioritize 우선순위를 매기다, 우선적으로 처리하다
financial soundness 재정적 견실성, 재정적 건전성
benefits for recipients 수혜자를 위한 혜택
be considered first 먼저 고려되다, 먼저 다루어지다
expend benefits 혜택을 확대하다
relative poverty rate 상대적 빈곤율
stand at = amount to = add up to = sum up to = total up to = tally = number = run into = arrive at = reach ~에 이르다, ~에 달하다
the OECD average of ~의 OECD 평균
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