Korean companies are increasingly monetizing patents to unlock liquidity: Burford Capital
In recent years, Korean conglomerates have conducted a number of noteworthy transactions in monetizing their intellectual property (IP), including patents, according to Burford Capital, a global legal finance firm based in London.
In recent years, Korean conglomerates have conducted a number of noteworthy transactions in monetizing their intellectual property (IP), including patents, according to Burford Capital, a global legal finance firm based in London. Their reasons may vary, it said, from reducing the financial burden of holding IP to gaining leverage in business negotiations. But regardless of the intention, monetizing patents has helped them unlock financial liquidity.
monetize 현금화 하다, 화폐화하다
liquidity (자산의)유동성, 환금성
conglomerate = large companies = major company = big company = behemoth 대기업, 복합기업, 거대기업
noteworthy = conspicuous = remarkable = significant = worthy of note = interesting = noticeable 주목할 만한, 현저한, 뚜렷한, 상당한
intellectual property (IP) 지적 재산
finance firm 금융회사
financial burden = fiscal burden 재정상의 부담
gain leverage in ~에서 영향력을 얻다
leverage = influence = clout = orbit 영향력
business negotiations 비지니스 협상
financial liquidity 유동성, 환금성
The Korea Times exclusively secured a report, Wednesday, co-authored by Katharine Wolanyk, managing director at Burford Capital, and Chris Freeman, director with responsibility for assessing and underwriting legal risk at its patent group. It is set to be published in Burford Quarterly on Thursday (Korea time).
exclusively 독점적으로
proprietary 등록 상표가 붙은, 전매 상표가 붙은, 소유주가 있는
co-authored by ~에 의해 공동지필된
underwrite (비용 부담에)동의하다, (보험사가 보험 약정에 서명하여) 보험을 인수하다
legal risk 법적 위험
be set to = be expected to = be supposed to = be anticipated to = be sheduled for = be slated for = be due to = be meant to = be planned to = be designed to ~하기로 예정되다, ~하기로 되어 있다
publish = make public = issue = release = uncover = reveal 발행하다, 출판하다, 공개하다
The authors pointed out that already in 2024, there have been sizeable patent transactions involving sophisticated IP owners, including SK hynix. This year, the semiconductor giant sold over 1,500 patents to an affiliate of Korean patent aggregator Ideahub. In November 2023, LG Electronics sold 48 standard essential patents related to codec technology to Chinese smartphone maker Oppo. The company no longer needed some of these patents after exiting the smartphone market in 2021.
point out = indicate = display = show = illustrate = demonstrate = note 지적하다, 가리키다
sizeable = significant = considerable 상당한, 꽤 많은, 꽤 큰
patent transaction 특허권 거래
giant = behemoth = mogul = baron = magnate = big shot = big gun = bigwig 거물, 부호
affiliate = subsidiary = affiliated company 계열사, 자회사
aggregator 여러 회사의 상품이나 서비스에 대한 정보를 모아 하나의 웹사이트에서 제공하는 인터넷 회사·사이트
aggregate 합계, 총액, 종합한, 총
codec technology 코덱 기술
exit the market 시장을 철수하다
"This sale is part of LG's strategy to profit from its extensive portfolio of around 24,000 patents, particularly in 4G, 5G and Wi-Fi technologies, as other Chinese smartphone makers like Oppo and Vivo have faced litigation over patent deficiencies," the report wrote. LG Energy Solutions, another LG Group subsidiary, has announced that it "will spearhead efforts to create a patent licensing pool for electric vehicle batteries, an area where it has a world-leading patent portfolio."
profit from ~로 부터 이익을 얻다, ~로 부터 수익을 얻다
extensive = large-scale = comprehensive = sizeable = substantial = considerable 광범위한, 상당한
particularly = notably = in particular = especially = specially = not least 특히
face litigation over ~에 관한 소송에 직면하다
litigation = legal proceedings = legal action = lawsuit = legal dispute = legal case 소송, 법적 절차, 법적 소송
spearhead efforts to ~에 대한 노력을 주도하다
spearhead = lead = head = be in the vanguard = become the spearhead = take the helm = take on the mantle 선봉에 서다, 주도하다, 이끌다
electric vehicle batteries 전기차 배터리
Samsung has also emerged as a key player in the IP landscape, leveraging its extensive patent portfolio for innovations in telecommunications, consumer electronics and semiconductors. "In 2023, Samsung entered multiple licensing agreements that generated immediate revenue and established long-term partnerships with other tech giants. These efforts highlight Samsung's strategic focus on robust IP management as a driver of profitability and innovation," the report said.
emerge as = rise as = spring out = surface = loom large ~로 떠오르다
patent portfolio 특허 포트폴리오
multiple = many = variegated = diverse = varied = a variety of = multifarious = a multitude of = numerous 많은, 다양한
licensing agreements 라이선스 계약
generate revenue = yield revenue 수익을 창출하다
establish a partnership with ~와 파트너쉽을 맺다
highlight = stress = emphasize = underline = underscore 강조하다
strategic focus on ~에 전략적 집중
robust = sturdy = strong = vigorous = powerful = sound 건장한, 견고한, 강한
IP management 지적 재산권 관리
These moves suggest Korean companies' growing recognition of patents as valuable financial assets, though the reasons behind monetization decisions vary by company, according to the report. One reason is that owning IP is costly by itself. The R&D investment to develop technologies can run into millions of dollars or more, followed by significant legal expenses to obtain and maintain the related patent assets.
valuable = invaluable = precious = beneficial = worthwhile 가치있는
financial assets 금융 자산
the reason behind ~의 숨겨진 이유
monetization decision 수익화 결정, 현금화 결정
costly = expensive = pricey = high cost = big-ticket = spendulous = dispendious 비싼, 돈이 많이 드는
legal expenses 법적 비용
Also, by affirmatively recovering money from their legal assets, companies can benefit from new revenue sources to supplement declining sales or shrinking profit margins. This reason particularly applies to companies that are long-established or operate in highly competitive industries. In other cases, companies like LG Electronics have exited a line of business and no longer see the need to retain IP that is no longer core to their operations. IP can also be leveraged to advance corporate objectives, such as gaining an advantage in business negotiations.
affirmatively 확정적으로, 긍정적으로
legal assets 법적 자산
benefit from = profit from ~로 부터 이익을 얻다
revenue sources 수입원
supplement = make up for = replenish = complement 보충하다, 보완하다
declining = shrinking = diminishing = decreasing = dropping = dwindling = flagging = waning = lessening 줄어드는, 감소하는
profit margin 이윤 폭
long-established 옛 부터, 오랫동안 행해진
highly competitive 경쟁률이 높은
exit 나가다, 떠나다, 퇴장하다, 종료하다, 퇴장, 나감, 떠남
no longer see the need to ~더이상 ~할 필요성을 못 느끼다
corporate objectives 기업 목표
gain an advantage in = gain the upper hand in ~에서 우위를 차지하다
business negotiations 비지니스 협상
"In an uncertain economy, companies will need to be careful in their capital management and innovative in their pursuit of value. For many patent owners, financed divestitures may be the optimal solution. For little to no risk, with minimal operational burden, companies can reduce costs and generate new revenues by leveraging their IP assets," it said.
capital management 자본 운용
a pursuit of value 가치 추구
financed divestitures 자금 조달 매각
divestiture 박탈, 기업 분할, 투자의 철수
optimal solution 최선의 해결책, 최적해
operational burden 운영적 부담
leverage = utilize = employ = harness = take advantage of = make use of = benefit from = profit from 이용하다, 활용하다
utilization = uptake 이용, 활용
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