100 companies join newly launched Value-up Index
A total of 100 companies were listed on the Value-up Index the government launched on Tuesday. The index is part of efforts to bolster corporate governance and improve shareholder returns of Korean firms.
A total of 100 companies were listed on the Value-up Index the government launched on Tuesday. The index is part of efforts to bolster corporate governance and improve shareholder returns of Korean firms. Announced by the country’s sole bourse operator, the Korea Exchange (KRX), the index included 24 firms from the information technology (IT) sector, such as Samsung Electronics and SK hynix.
Value-up Index 밸류업 지수 ( 한국거래소가 24일 국내 증시 저평가 해소를 위한 기업 밸류업 지원방안 일환으로 '코리아 밸류업 지수(Korea Value-up Index·밸류업지수)'를 공개 )
part of efforts to ~하기 위한 노력의 일환으로
bolster = strengthen = heighten = reinforce = enhance = consolidate = beef up = cement = ramp up = fortify = solidify 강화하다, 굳건히 하다
corporate governance 기업 구조, 기업 거버넌스
shareholder return 주주수익
bourse 증권 거래소
the Korea Exchange (KRX) 증권 거래소
information technology (IT) sector 정보통신 분야
Some 20 were from the industrial sector, including HMM, Korean Air and POSCO International, while another 12 were from the health care sector and 11 others were from the discretionary goods sector. A total of 10 firms were in finance and real estate, while nine others were from the materials sector. Eight companies from the consumer staples sector also joined the index, as well as five from the telecommunications sector and one from the energy sector.
industrial sector 산업계
healthcare sector 헬스케어 섹터
discretionary goods sector 선택재 섹터
consumer staples sector 필수 소비재 섹터
telecommunications sector 통신 섹터
energy sector 에너지 섹터
as well as = in addition = besides = additionally = moreover = furthermore ~뿐 아니라, 게다가, 추가로
The chart and other real-time data on the Value-up Index will be opened to the public next Monday. The government came up with the Value-up Index in a bid to provide new impetus to its Corporate Value-up Program announced in February to tackle the so-called "Korea discount." The phenomenon refers to the undervaluation of equities in the Korean stock market compared to their global peers.
be open to the public = be made public 대중에게 개방되다
come up with = design = plan = draft = set forward = put forward = suggest = organize = present 제안하다, 제시하다
in a bid to = as part of efforts to = as an attempt to = for the sake of = in order to ~하기 위해서, ~하기 위한 일환으로
tackle = handle = cope with = deal with = manage = treat = address = navigate 다루다, 처리하다, 해결하다
provide impetus to = give impetus to = lend impetus to ~에 자극을 제공하다, ~을 촉진하다, ~을 자극하다
undervaluation 과소평가
Intransparent corporate governance and low shareholder returns have been cited as the major reasons for such undervaluation. To that end, the government has sought to create a new index to induce listed companies to follow its initiative. All 100 companies have been publicly traded — 67 from the benchmark KOSPI and 33 from the junior bourse Kosdaq. “The success of the Corporate Value-up Program relies on corresponding firms’ voluntary efforts, and the Value-up Index is expected to draw out such efforts,” KRX Chairman Jeong Eun-bo said.
intransparent = not transparent 명확하지 않은, 투명하지 않은
corporate governance 기업 거버넌스
shareholder returns 주주수익
be cited as ~로 인용되다
to that end 그 목적을 달성하기 위해서, 그것 때문에
rely on = depend on = bank on = turn to = fall back on ~에 달려 있다, ~에 의지하다
corresponding = equivalent ~에 상응하는, ~에 해당하는
voluntary efforts 자발적인 노력
draw out = take out = suck out = bring out 끌어내다, 끌다
The KRX explained that the 100 companies were selected after mainly considering five factors — market capitalization, profitability, payout ratios, market valuation relative to book value and capital efficiency. The 100 firms are ranked in the top 400 among all listed companies in terms of market capitalization. They were also picked among those that have not posted losses for the past two years.
market capitalization 시가총액
payout ratio 배당 성향, 배당금 분배율
market valuation 시장가치
g~에 비례하여, ~에 관하여
book value 장부가격, 순자산
capital efficiency 자본 효율
listed 상장된, 명단에 실린
in terms of = concerning = as for = in respect to = in reference to = as to = as regards = regarding to ~에 관한
For the past two consecutive years, the companies also shared a proportion of their earnings with their shareholders in the form of dividends or canceled their own stocks in a bid to benefit retail investors. Regarding market valuation relative to book value, or price-to-book ratio, the 100 firms were chosen among those ranked in the top 50 percent across all industries or within their respective sectors.
for two consecutive years = for two straight years = for two years in a row 2년 연속으로
dividend 배당금, 상금
price-to-book ratio 주가 순 자산 비율
respective = individual = separate = discrete 각각의, 별개의
Concerning capital efficiency, the selected companies had a high return on equity, which is calculated by dividing net income by shareholders’ equity. The KRX underlined that the criteria for the Value-up Index are unique compared to the KOSPI 200, the country’s best-known index.
concerning = in terms of = as for = in respect to = in reference to = as to = as regards = regarding to ~에 관한
capital efficiency 자산 효율
high return on equity 자산에 대한 높은 이익율
net income 순수익
shareholder's equity 주주지분
underline = underscore = highlight = stress = emphasize 강조하다
best-known 가장 잘 알려진
It explained that the KOSPI 200 comprises the 200 largest publicly traded common stocks, all of them from the KOSPI, whereas the Value-up Index includes smaller caps from the Kosdaq. It also highlighted that the KOSPI 200 values quantitative factors such as market cap, but the Value-up Index additionally values qualitative factors. Meanwhile, the KRX will update the list of firms on the Value-up Index every year based on their level of compliance with the Corporate Value-up Program.
explain = explicate = elaborate = expound = go into detail = expand on = explain in detail = interpret = account for = elucidate 설명하다, 자세히 설명하다
common stock 보통주
market cap = market capitalization 시가 총액
quantitative value 정량적인 값
qualitative value 질적 가치
level of compliance 규정 수준, 규정 정도
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