Fishing boat off Jeju coast overrun by tens of thousands of dragonflies
Anglers on a fishing boat off the coast of Jeju Island faced an unusual challenge when a massive swarm of dragonflies descended on them.
Anglers on a fishing boat off the coast of Jeju Island faced an unusual challenge when a massive swarm of dragonflies descended on them. According to the captain of Jeju Bless, a fishing boat, tens of thousands of dragonflies started swarming around midnight on Sept. 8 while the boat was fishing off the coast of Gimnyeong, Jeju City.
off the coast of = off the shore = in the offing = offshore ~의 앞바다에서, ~의 연안에서
be overrun by = be crowded with = be lousy with = be crawling with = swarm with = teem with = infested with ~가 가득한, ~가 득실거리는, ~로 뒤덮히다, ~로 우글거리다, ~로 바글거리다
dragonfly 잠자리
angler 낚시꾼
fisherman 어부, 낚시꾼
fishing boat 낚싯배, 어선
a swarm of = a crowd of = a throng of = a group of = a herd of = a flock of = a mob of = a pack of = a plague of = a school of = a flight of = a shoal of ~의 떼, ~의 무리
around midnight 자정쯤에, 12시쯤에
The swarm covered the entire boat for over two hours, clinging tightly to the bodies of around 10 anglers and causing significant discomfort. Lee Dong-hyun, the captain of the Bless, said, "When we use lights for night fishing, insects often gather, but I've never seen anything like this. Thousands, tens of thousands came all at once, and it was overwhelming. The dragonflies stuck to our faces and bodies, making it impossible to fish properly."
cling tight to ~에 척 달라붙다
cling tightly to ~에 단단히 달라붙다
cause significant discomfort 상당한 불편함을 유발하다
night fishing 밤낚시
stick to = cling to = adhere to ~에 달라붙다, ~을 고수하다
The dragonflies were identified as wandering gliders, about 4 centermeters in length, typically seen from April to October. Though common in Korea, they are known as global wanderers due to their long-distance migrations. Being subtropical, they prefer warm weather and usually migrate to the southern regions in autumn, but recent abnormal heat conditions are thought to have kept them in Jeju through September.
wandering = roaming = meandering = roving = rambling = sprawling 돌아다니는, 방황하는, 종잡을 수 없는
glider 글라이더
in length 길이에 있어서
in width = in breadth = broad = wide 폭에 있어서, 폭이
long-distance migration 장거리 이주, 장거리 이동
subtropical = semi-tropical 아열대의
be thought to ~로 여겨지다, ~로 생각될 수도 있다
An expert said, "Dragonflies are not harmful insects, so their migration isn't a major concern. However, if hot and humid weather continues, the dragonfly population could increase, and it is unusual to see such a large-scale migration in Jeju in September, so continuous monitoring is needed."
harmful = inimical = injurious = detrimental = deleterious = damaging = hurtful = noxious = bad = toxic = venomous = poisonous = deadly = lethal = fatal = mortal = pernicious 해로운, 유해한, 치명적인
large-scale migration 대규모 이동
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