Pyongyang fires around 10 short-range missiles toward East Sea
short-range missiles 단거리 미사일
long-range missiles 장거리 미사일
intermediate-range ballastic missiles 중거리 탄도 미사일
fire missiles = shoot missiles 미사일을 발사하다
North Korea has escalated tensions with South Korea through a series of provocations, including deploying balloons laden with trash, launching short-range ballistic missiles, and attempting GPS jamming. Seoul, in conjunction with the international community, is condemning these provocations, some of which are perceived as violations of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions and the Armistice Agreement.
escalate tensions with ~에 긴장감을 증가시키다
a series of = serial = a chain of = a string of = a train of = in succession = in a row = successive = consecutive 연속해서, 잇달아, 연이어
deploy = dispose = place = position 배치하다, 효율적으로 사용하다
laden with = loaded with = full of = ridden with = lousy with = filled with ~로 가득한, ~가 가득히 싣린, 우글거리는
launch short-range ballistic missiles 단거리 탄도 미사일을 발사하다
GPS jamming GPS 전파 방해
jam 잼, 혼잡, 교통체증, (세게)밀어 넣다, 움직이지 못하게 되다, 작동하지 못하게 만들다
in conjunction with = in unison = in union = in cooperation with = in tandem = in tandem with ~와 함께, ~와 협력하여
international community 국제사회
be perceived as = be deemed as = be considered as = be regarded as = constitute = be viewed as = be seen as ~로 여겨지다
violation = breach = transgression = infringement = break 위반, 침해, 위배
condemn = accuse = criticize = blame = rebuke = reprove = reprehend = admonish = inculcate = reprimand = upbrid = reproach = castigate = chastise = beat = censure = denounce 비난하다, 견책하다, 꾸짖다
United Nations Security Council (UNSC) 유엔 안전보장 이사회
armistic agreement = truce agreement = ceasefire agreement 휴전 협정
On Thursday morning, North Korea fired around 10 short-range ballistic missiles toward the East Sea. The missiles flew around 350 kilometers before splashing into the waters east of the Korean Peninsula, according to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). “We strongly condemn North Korea’s missile launch as a clear provocation that seriously threatens peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula,” the JCS said, adding it closely shared related information with the U.S. and Japan as the North's launches of ballistic missiles are violations of UNSC resolutions.
splash into the waters = plunge into the waters 물속으로 뛰어들다, 해안으로 첨벙 뛰어들다
clear provocation 명백한 도발행위
Joint chiefs of Staff (미국의) 합동 참모 본부
missile lauch 미사일 발사
seriously threaten peace and stability = graveluy theaten peace and stabilitiy 평화와 안정을 심각하게 위협하다
UNSC resolutions 유엔 안보리 결의안
North Korea continued its GPS jamming attacks for a second day, the JCS confirmed in a separate statement. "We detected the signal near the de facto inter-Korean maritime border in the West Sea. The jamming persisted for about an hour but did not disrupt military operations," according to the statement.
GPS jamming GPS 전파 방해
jamming attacks 방해 공격
detect the signal 신호를 감지하다
detect = spot = discern = perceive = become aware of = discover = find out = sense = identify 감지하다
de facto = virtually = in fact = in reality = actual = real = practical 사실상, 실질적으로
inter-Korean maritime border 남북한 간 경계
distrupt = disturb = hinder = impede = interrupt 방해하다
military operations = military drill = military training 군사 훈련
The missile launch comes a day after more than 260 balloons filled with trash and what is presumed to be feces, sent by the North, were found in various locations in the South. The balloon release was an apparent retaliation against South Korean activists for sending anti-Pyongyang propaganda leaflets across the border. Kim Yo-jong, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, vowed to send “dozens of times more” balloons to the South.
come a day after ~하루뒤에 나오다
filled with = laden with = loaded with = full of = ridden with = lousy with ~로 가득한, ~가 가득히 싣린, 우글거리는
what is presumed to be ~으로 추정되는, ~으로 여겨지는
feces = faeces = fecal = excrement 대변, 배설물, 똥, 찌꺼기
apparent retaliation against ~에 대한 명백한 보복, 명백한 앙갚음
propoganda leaflets 선전 전단
vow to = promise = swear to = pledge = make an oath 맹세하다, 약속하다, 선언하다
dozens of times 수십번이라도
dozens of people 시십명이도
The United Nations Command (UNC) also said it would lau balloons that can cause harm to local populations is not only offensive and unsanitary, but constitutes a violation of the Armistice Agreement,” the UNC said in a statement.
United Nations Command (UNC) 유엔군 사령부
lau balloons 풍선을 날리다
cause harm to = pose a threat to = cause a nuisance to = cause inconvenience to ~에 해를 끼치다
local population 지역 인구
offensive = obnoxious 불쾌한, 역겨운, 극도로 불쾌한
unsanitary = insanitary = unhygienic = dirty = filthy = unclean 비위생적인, 아주 더러운
violation = breach = transgression = infringement = break 위반, 침해, 위배
armistic agreement = truce agreement = ceasefire agreement 휴전 협정
A unification ministry official suspected that the series of provocations were intended to “cover up the failure of a spy satellite launch earlier this week,” saying it is unusual to fire some 10 missiles at once. On Monday, North Korea's attempt to put a spy satellite into orbit failed due to a suspected engine problem.
suspect that = be suspicous of = be doubtful that = doubt that = question that ~의 의심이 든다, ~가 의심스럽다
cover up = gloss over = hide = conceal = secrete = cloak = veil = dissimulate = dissemble 속이다, 숨기다, 얼버무리다, 감추다, 은닉하다
spy satelllite = reconnaisance satellite = espionage satellite = recon satellite 정찰 위성
suspected = presumable = probable = dubious = doubtful = questionable = suspicious 미심쩍은, 의심되는, 의심스러운
engine problem 엔진 문제
However, experts argue that the failed satellite launch itself is not the issue. Rather, it's the response from the international community, including the U.S., the U.N., and Japan, that appears to have prompted the country to escalate the crisis level on the peninsula.
this is not the issue 이것은 문제가 아니다
argue that = contend that = claim that = insist that = assert that 주장하다
international community 국제 사회
escalate the crisis level 위기 레벨을 고조시키다
escalate = intensify = heighten = precipitate = compound = deteriorate 악화시키다, 고조시키다
“They (provocative actions) appear to be a reaction to South Korea carrying out joint air drills with the U.S. and joining Japan to call for denuclearization. U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres’s remarks condemning the attempted launch of North Korea’s satellite, and the UNSC’s plan to convene a meeting on Friday also seemed to prompt the North to carry out provocations,” said Lim Eul-chul, a professor of North Korean studies at Kyungnam University.
provocative action 도발적인 행위
carry out = conduct = execute 행하다, 수행하다
joint air drills 합동 공군 훈
call for = request = demand = call on 요청하다, 요구하다
denuclearization 비핵화
U.N. Secretary-General 유엔 사무총장
attempted = tried 시도된, 미수에 그친
convene a meeting = hold a meeting = have a meeting = summon a meeting 회의를 소집하다
carry out provocations 도발하다, 도발을 시행하다
Hong Min, a senior research fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification, echoed that view. “North Korea claims the satellite launch was an exercise of its right to self-defense and it flew balloons in retaliation against South Korean activists. The North says it did that to safeguard the regime,” he said.
echo that view 그 견해를 반영하다
echo the sentiment 그 정서에 동의하다
satellite launch 위성 발사
an exercise of its right to ~에 대한 권리 행사
self-defense 자기 방어
fly balloon = launch balloon 풍선을 날리다
in retalization against = in reprisal against = vengeance against = retribution against = revenge against = tit-for-tat = requital ~에 대한 앙갚음, ~에 대한 보복
safeguard = protect = screen = defence 보호하다, 방어하다
North Korea watchers have cautioned about the potential for a serious escalation in a tit-for-tat cycle if South Korea retaliates. Lim said the UNC could act as a mediator by conducting a formal investigation into the matter. Hong said that South Korea also bears responsibility for sending anti-Pyongyang balloons to the North. “It is self-contradictory for us to accuse the North only for sending balloons. Whether it was carried out by the government or private organizations, the South’s action may constitute a violation of international law,” Hong said.
caution about = warn about = give a warning signal = give an alarm 경보를 내리다, 주의를 주다, 경고하다
tit-for-tat cycle 보복성 공격 싸이클, 맞대응 싸이클
retaliate = take vengeance on = inflict vengeance on = avenge on = take revenge on = pay sth back for = get back at 복수하다, 보복하다
formal investigation into the matter 그 일에 대해 공식적인 조사를 하다
self-contradictory 자기 모순적인
accuse = condemn = criticize = blame = rebuke = reprove = reprehend = admonish = inculcate = reprimand = upbrid = reproach = castigate = chastise = beat = censure = denounce 비난하다, 견책하다, 꾸짖다
violation of international law 국제법 위반
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