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Broadcasters adopt mandate to engage women in 30s - 방송사들 30대 여성들 관여시킬 권한을 채택하다

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2024. 5. 31.



Broadcasters adopt mandate to engage women in 30s

Women in their 30s have emerged as a key demographic in content consumption, becoming a barometer of success for the industry. This generation bridges both TV and OTT platforms, driving strategies at networks like tvN and Tving.



30-something women emerge as key consumer demographic for TV, OTT platforms


engate 교용하다, 쓰다, 취하다

mandate 권한, 권한을 부여하다, (정부의) 통치기간, 재임기간

broadcaster 방송인, 방송 진행자, 방송사

emerge as = rise as ~로 떠오르다

consumer demographic 소비자 인구통계

OTT platform = Over The Top platform 인터넷을 통해 방송 프로그램·영화·교육 등 각종 미디어 콘텐츠를 제공하는 서비스


Women in their 30s have emerged as a key demographic in content consumption, becoming a barometer of success for the industry. This generation bridges both TV and OTT platforms, driving strategies at networks like tvN and Tving. On average, women in their 30s subscribe to 2.5 streaming services and are the most frequent users of these platforms.


content consumption 컨텐츠 소비

a barometer of success 성공의 지표

bridge 다리를 놓다, 다리를 형성하다, 다리, 가교

on average 평균적으로, 평균하여, 대체로

drive at ~을 겨누다, ~을 의도하다

subscribe to ~을 구독하다, ~의 구독을 신청하다, ~동의하다, 지지하다

streaming service 스트리밍 서비스

the most frequent users 자주 이용하는 사용자, 가장 빈번한 사용자


Historically, the media industry has made frequent attempts to understand specific generations, such as Generation X, millennials and Generation Z, to quickly adapt to their needs and trends. In this dynamic viewing environment, women in their 30s stand out due to their high engagement, purchasing power and influence. Capturing the attention of this demographic often leads to attracting both younger and older viewers, prompting channels to focus heavily on this group.


historically = from the historical point of view 역사적으로, 역사상

adapt to = cater to = satifsfy = live up to = fit for = meet = fulfill ~에 맞추다, ~에 적응하다, ~을 만족시키다

acclimate to = accomodate to = adjust to = adapt to = get used to ~적응하다, ~에 익숙해지다

stand out = project = be conspicuous = stick out 두드러지다, 눈에 띄다

remarkable = conspicuous = outstanding = striking = exceptional = prominent = marked = noticeable = illustrious = extraordinary = eye-catching 눈에띄는, 두드러진, 현저한, 저명한

high engagement 높은 관여도, 높은 참여도, 높은 관계도

purchasing power 구매력

capture the attention of = draw the attention of = attract the attention of 관심을 끌다, 흥미를 끌다

prompt to = lead to = provoke = spark = egg on = encourage 부추기다, 촉진하다, 유도하다

focus heavily on ~에 크게 집중하다, ~에 크게 초점을 맞추다


Women in their 30s enjoy a wide range of content, from genre series to romance dramas, and actively share their opinions, driving trends and showcasing significant purchasing power. Their extensive and enthusiastic consumption of content makes them a core target audience, with a spillover effect expected beyond this primary audience.


a wide range of = diverse = comprehensive = a variety of = varied = various = multifarious = variegated = manifold = extensive 다양한, 광범위한, 포괄적인

actively share one's opinions 적극적으로 의견을 공유하다

drive trend = lead tread 트렌드를 이끌다, 유행을 이끌다

showcase = display = flex = boast = show off = brag 자랑하다, 선보이다, 과시하다

extensive = far-reaching = large-scale = sizeable = substantial = considerable 광범위한, 지대한 영향을 가져올, 대규모의

core target audience 핵심 타겟 시청자

primary audience 주요 시청자, 주요 독자(관중)

spillover effect = ripple effect = domino effect = cascade effect = chain reaction 파급효과, 여파, 부작용



This demographic subscribes to an average of 2.5 streaming services, the highest among all age groups, and constitutes the largest user base within each streaming platform. Their active and sensitive engagement with content makes them a reliable predictor of content performance. For instance, tvN has increased the representation of 30-something women to 70 percent in its internal drama evaluation committee, reflecting its strategic focus on this demographic.


demographics = population statistics 인구통계, 인구통계

all age groups 모든 연령대의 그룹

constitute = consist of = make up = compose = account for = take up = occupy 차지하다, 구성하다

reliable = trustworthy = dependable = credibile = worthy of trust = full of integrity 신뢰할 수 있는, 믿을 수 있는

believable = convincing = plausible 그럴싸한

predictor = indicator = barometer 지표, 예측변수

strategic focus 전략적 초점


Similarly, ENA has established its brand identity through popular shows like "I Am Solo," appealing to women in their 30s. Women in their 30s are also valued for their dynamic viewing habits. They often switch from streaming platforms to TV if the content aligns with their preferences in terms of target, subject, genre and format. They do not restrict themselves to specific genres and actively seek out content that interests them across various platforms.


similarly = in a similar vein = likewise = in similar fashion = in like manner = comparably = analogously 비슷하게, 유사하게

brand identity 브랜드 정체성, 브랜드 아이덴티티

be valued for ~을 이유로 귀중하게 여겨지다

viewing habits 시청 습관

align with ~와 맞추다, ~와 보조를 맞추다, ~에 맞추어 조정하다

preference = liking = fondness = partiality = proclivity = predilection 선호, 애호, 좋아한, 편애

seek out ~을 찾아내다


Shows like Netflix's "The Glory," Wave's "Weak Hero Class 1" and Coupang Play's "Anna" illustrate their diverse consumption patterns. Additionally, they help attract new viewers by sharing their favorite content on social media in various ways. While it's clear that no single generation dominates the content market entirely, women in their 30s stand out as a consumer group that effectively leverages both purchasing power and buzz.


illustrate = demonstrate = show = display = indicate =  reveal = disclose = uncover 보여주다, 증명하다, 드러내다

consumption patterns 소비 패턴

on social media 소셜 미디어에

in various ways = in various respects = in many ways = in many respects = diversely = variously 여러모로, 다양하게, 형형색색으로

dominate the market 시장을 장악하다, 시장을 지배하다

stand out = protrude = project = stick out = jut out 두드러지다, 튀어나오다

stand out as ~으로 두드러지다

buzz 소문, 화제성








"시사와 영어를 한 번에"
Korea Times Weekly

