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Time selects Taylor Swift as 'person of year' - 타임지, 올해의 인물로 '테일러 스위프트’ 선정

by 정이로운 잉여생활 2023. 12. 17.



[WORLD] Time selects Taylor Swift as 'person of year'

NEW YORK (AFP) - With a prolific musical output, a remarkably bankable tour and a name that’s headline catnip, it’s no surprise that Time magazine has declared 2023 the Year of Taylor Swift. 뉴욕 (AFP) - 풍부한 음악 산출량, 엄청난 돈을





NEW YORK (AFP) — With a prolific musical output, a remarkably bankable tour and a name that’s headline catnip, it’s no surprise that Time magazine has declared 2023 the Year of Taylor Swift.
뉴욕 (AFP) — 풍부한 음악 산출량, 엄청난 돈을 버는 투어, 뉴스 제목에 자주 오르는 이름 … 타임지가 2023년 올해의 인물로 ‘테일러 스위프트’를 선정한 건 놀랍지 않다.


person of year 올해의 인물

prolific 다작하는, 다산하는, 열매를 많이 맺은

remarkably = conspicuous = nothworthy = eye-catching = illustrious = staggering = stunning = outstanding = striking = marked = prominent = salient = showy = noticeable 저명한, 현저한, 두드러지는

bankable 돈벌이가 되는 

lucrative = profitable 수익성이 좋은

it's no surprise that ~는 놀랍지도 않다


In its annual issue honoring a Person of the Year — a nearly century-old designation whose recipients include Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Martin Luther King Jr and Greta Thunberg — the magazine called music’s reigning deity a “rare person who is both the writer and hero of her own story.”
올해의 인물에게 수여되는 특별호는 100년 가까이 이어졌으며 그간 블라디미르 젤렌스키, 마틴 루터 킹 주니어, 그레타 던버그 등이 이름을 올렸는데, 타임은 이 군림 중인 음악의 신을 “자신의 이야기에 대한 작가이자 영웅인 몇 안 되는 사람”이라고 칭했다.


annual issue 연간 이슈

honor = award = bestow = confer 수여하다, 주다

century-old designation 100년 가까이 이어진 선정

recipient 수령인, 받는 사람

reigning deity 군림하는 신, 세도를 부리는 신


Nearly two decades into her career the 33-year-old’s star simply keeps rising: Swift is smashing industry records, and her conversation-commanding “Eras” tour is set to bring in an estimated $2 billion in revenue — and become the first tour to cross the symbolic $1-billion mark.
데뷔한 지 20년이 다 돼 가지만 이 33세 스타는 아직도 성장세에 있다. 스위프트는 음악업계 기존 기록을 박살내고 있으며, 대화를 장악했던 주제인 ‘에라스 투어’는 약 20억 달러 수익을 올려 상징적인 ‘10억 달러’ 수준을 넘는 첫 투어가 될 것으로 보인다.


keep rising 계속 오르다, 계속 성장세에 있닫

smash 박살내다, 충돌시키다, 박살내기, 충돌사고

conversation-commanding 대화를 장악하는, 대화를 지휘하는

symbolic mark 상징적인 수준, 상징적인 레벨


With hundreds of millions of social media followers and a staunchly loyal fan base, she can move any dial with the tiniest of efforts.
수백만 명의 SNS 팔로워와 충성적인 팬덤을 기반으로 스위프트는 아주 쉽게 사업적 성과를 낼 수 있다.


hundreds of milions of 수백만명의

social media followers SNS 팔로워

staunch = faithful = ironclad = loyal = stalwart = ardent = fervent = diehard 열렬한, 충성스런

staunchly 충성적인, 확고한

fan base = fandom 팬덤, 팬베이스

move dial 다이얼을 움직이다

the tiniest of efforts 가장 작은 노력, 아주 쉬운 노력


“Taylor Swift found a way to transcend borders and be a source of light,” Time editor-in-chief Sam Jacobs wrote in a statement. “Much of what Swift accomplished in 2023 exists beyond measurement.”
샘 제이콥스 타임지 편집국장은 공식 입장에서 “테일러 스위프트는 경계를 초월해 빛의 원천이 되는 방법을 찾았다”며 “2023년 스위프트는 측정 수준 이상의 많은 성취를 했다”고 덧붙였다.

find a way 방법을 찾아내다

transcend borders 국경을 초월하다, 경계를 초월하다

a source of light 빛의 원천

beyond measurement 측정 수준 이상으로, 축정을 넘어선







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