Flip Out : (놀람, 충격, 화남, 열광, 흥분) 강한 감정 또는 감정적 불안정함을 표출 시키는 것, 눈이 돌아가다, 엄청 놀라다, 열광하다, 흥분하다, 벌컥 화를내다, 실신하다, 뒤집어지게하다
to flip out, means to cause or to show a very strong emotional reaction
it's like you almost lose control, normally because of surprise or shock
if you flip out, you can be amazed at something or you could be really angry about it
taking about a strong emotional reactionn to something
to become a bit emotionally unstable
to have an extreme emotional reaction but both positive and negative
I flipped out at the amount of money that they had spent on the party, I was really amazed it was quite incredible
I discovered that they were going to get married, it flipped me out
when you really ssurprised or when you are really shocked by something, wow
it flipped me out
I was flipped out by it
to become very excited about it
when I saw my pay rise, I flipped out. it was so small that I flipped out and got really angry
when I saw my pay rise, I flipped out, it was so big that I flipped out and I was amazed and really happy about it
I wasn fliped out by the beautiful present that they gave me
I flipped out when I passed the exame, yeah!!
the kids flipped out when I told them that I was going to take them to Disneyland
you can also use this, to become very angry about something
when dad discovered that I had crashed his car, he flipped out and started shouting. calm down calm down don't flipt out don't get so upset about it
it's like to lose control of yourself because you are so surprised or you are so shocked or you're so angry about something
he flipped out about it
to become crazy about something
to become very angry about it
their meanness really flipped me out, made me angry
I flipped out when I descovered that I failed my exam
mum's going to flip out when she discovers I flooded the kitchen
so notice, I flippe out, intransitive but something flipped me out transitive and separable
notice, with what I've said, I haven't said it's positive or negative and you are going to need more information to know whether it's positive or negative
Formality : 3