Unwind : 긴장을 풀다, (감긴 것을)풀다, (복잡한 상황을) 해결하다, 풀다, (영화/드라마에서 이야기나 줄거리를) 풀다, 전개하다, (관계/결혼생활/응집력 등이) 느슨해지다, 풀리다, 소홀해지다
let's see to wind, you take a piece of string and you go round and round and round something, that is to wind. the opposite is to unwind
so firstly we use this verb to unwind, meaning to relax
after work in the evening when I get home, I like to sit in my comfortable chair and I pour myself a drink and watch the news to unwind
to become less stressed
notice, unwind - unwound - unwound
slowly unwound as I sat there in my chair
to unwind, to relax
to relax and aloow your mind to be free from worries after work
a glass of wine might help you unwind
you unwind after a long hard day, to relax
If you unwind something that's wrapped round something, you take it off
the doctor unwound the bandages and looked at the wound
unwind, unfasten, take it off
the string was round the book and I unwound the string
you unwind a ball of string
to untangle, to uncoil
you can also use unwind to talk about to resolve a complicated situation
his business affairs were very very complicated and it was very difficult to unwind all the different pieces
something quite complicated, you unwind it
you can also use this in the stocks and shares to unwind a position where you've betting on shares going up or down but you find the need to resolve the position
I am thinking as well, the plot in a film slowly unwinds, it slowly gets you to see more and more and more of it
the film slowly started to unwind
I think maybe a marriage or relationship could unwind become loose and break apart
to stop having cohesion, to unwind
after a couple of years, the marriage began to unwind
to stop being held together strongly
to stop being cohesive if you like
you can unwind a difficult or complicated situation
to pull it apart slowly piece by piece
you could unwind a problematic situation
a story could unwind, it could unroll, it could come out
to unwind a position, you are undoing a financial position or taking the necessary steps
to unfold, to become disentangled
to unwind, to start to break up
Formality : 5.5