Personable : (성격이 좋아서) 매력적인, 상냥한, 정감있는, 쾌활한, 성격이 좋은, 서글서글한, (용모) 잘생기고 수려한, 단정한, 어여쁜, 잘생긴, 멋진
Personably : 상냥하게, 매력적으로, 수려하게
personableness : 매력적임, 용모가 아름다움, 품위있음
for me, the main meaning of personable is somebody who is very pleasant, somebody who is amiable, somebody who is friendly and easy to get on with
he is a very personable young man
he very personably invited me to have lunch with him so that we could discuss the matter more
having a pleasant character
somebody who is intelligent hard-working and personable
easy to get on with, likable, pleasant, agreeable, affable, amiable
he was a well-spoken and personable young man
easy to llike
they are not a problematic person
they are very sociable
I think people form Mediterranean culture are very personable, they are easy to get on with
it's easy to talk them
they are not dour and difficult to get on with
somebody who is pleasing to the mind or pleasing to the eye
somebody who is charming
an attractive personality
well-dressed, well groomed as well
persoanble, attractive, pleasant, pleasing, charming, handsome, good-looking, agreeable, amiable, affable
the opposite of personable is unpleasant, unattractive, solemn, angry
I think if you have emotional awawreness, it makes you a much more personable character
you have a pleasant and attractive way of dealing with people
being open, being honest, not hiding things, being a likable and amiable person, being very cahrming when you talk to them
a very personable person
now also, I see in the dictionaries this word personable meaning physically attractive as well, handsome
I guess you could use like this but I think personable talks much more about somebody's character. it has much more an idea of somebody who is easy to get on with
handsome or comely or attractive or pretty
she was a very personable young lady, maybe she was pretty as well but I don't think that is really so important
she is a very personable, very open person and it's very easy to talk to her, this use of meaning is more common than the meaning for physically attractive
Formality : 6