Intra : <‘안’, ‘내부’를 나타냄>
Inter : <‘~사이의’, ‘상호간의’라는 뜻을 나타냄>
intra, the prefix and I want to contrast this intra with the prefix inter
intra vs inter
intra means inside, within a single thing
whereas inter, means between two different things
intra, inside, in the interior of something, within something
inter between
the first example, I always think with this is the difference between internet and intranet
an intranet is like an internet but inside a company and only for the memebers of that group
a university could have an intranet, these are communications within the members of the group
whereas internet goes outside it's beteewn different groups
I was thinking about this word, interstate
in the US, they use the word interstate to talk about roads that go from one state to another
but you could have an intrastate road which only goes arouond within the one state, it doesn't go to another state
interstate between two different states
intrastate inside that state
you could have an interdisciplinary approch to something
a way of doing something using different disciplines suing mathematics biology economic sociology and combining the knowledge of our all of those things
interdisciplinary between the different subjects
also, you could have intra-disciplinary, just within one field. just within the filed of biology for example
intra-family dispute, intra-faimily arguments
these are arguments inside the family
whereas, an inter-family argument is between different families
in stock market trading, you have an intraday high, this is the maximum figure within a single day
during that day, during that period
intravenous, means goes inside the veins
an intravenous drip, the surgeons put a needle into the vein and then put saline to go into that vein
intervenous would be between different veins that would be something completely different
intraocular eye pressure, that is to measure glaucoma
the prssure within the eye
inside the eye