Ivy League : 아이비리그(미국 북동부의 8개 명문대학들을 일컫는 말)
Oxbridge : 옥스브리지(Oxford 대학과 Cambridge 대학을 함께 일컫는 말)
Redbrick University : 근대에 창립된 대학(영국 내 옥스퍼드·캠브리지 이외의 대학, 19세기 후반 이후 개설된 대학)
Ivy league universities
they are the best universities in the United States
the ivy league universities are the best quality university but in the north east of the United states so along the east coast
Ivy league university are Brown Columbia Cornell Dartmouth Harvard Pennsylvania Princeton and Yale
they don't include anything over on the California side
he went to an ivy league university
long established universities, they are not newfangled universities
you can also use this word to say that anything that is of the fashion or of the style
so, Ivy league tastes or lvy league haircut or ivy league fashion
they all seem to wear the same things
Oxbridge, if I translate ivy league into British English, the word I would use is Oxbridge
Oxbridge is a noun and this is a portmanteau word joining Oxford and Cambridge together
Oxbridge referes to Oxford and Cambridge University
these are the two universities that are recognized as the two best universities in the UK
he is an Oxbridge man
students studying Oxbridge entrance, exames for Oxford and Cambridge
it's the a mixture of Oxforod and Cambridge
we have redbrick universities
these are effectively all of the other universities
I think originally these are universities in large cities but not Oxford and Cambridge
I think today any British University other than Oxford and Cambridge universities
they were started in the Victorian age in a large city
they are not old-established universities
Formality : 5.5 for all