Inert : 움직임이 없는, 거의 움직임이 없는, (화학)비활성의, 불활성의, 활력이 없는, 기력이 없는, 무기력한, 재미없는, 지루한, 변하지 않으려고 하는, 변화에 저항적인,
Inertly : 활발하지 않게, 둔하게, 기력없이
Inertness : 불활성, 비활성, (움직이지 않으려는) 저항성, 타성
Inertia : 관성, 무력, 타성
if something is inert, we use this to describe something that doesn't move or it is not able to move
he lay inert on his bed
after the car crashed into him, he lay inert on the street
in chemisty, a chemist inert talks about chemicals that don't react. they don't react when they are heated or when other things are added to them
in the not moving
not moving a muscle
incapable of moving or acting
after I gave him the news, he stood there inert. maybe hewas thinking about it
rocks should be inert
trees are not inert because they move in the wind and they grow
the medical examiner covered the inert dead body with a blanket
if something is very slow or sluggish ratehr lethargic, you could use inert as well
after the christmas period, markets are fairly inert at the beginning of January
the plot to the film was preety inert, it was lifeless, it didn't have any energy and it waasn't very interesting
it lacked vigor
slow to move
slow to act
the storyline of the book was really very inert
he looked at me inertly
you could describe somebody as inert
you are criticizing them because they are not lively and they are not interesting and dull and boring
an inert personality
somebody that is not full of verve and life and energy and things like that
you could also say something that resists motion
I tried to push the inert group into action
notice the word inertia
the inertness of political system makes change very difficult
not moving, unmoving, sluggish, inactive, motionless, passive, dormant, lifeless
immobile, inanimate, unresponsive, quiescent
dull, boring, dry, static
Formality : 6