Swivel : (가운데가 고정된 채) 돌다, 회전하다, 돌리다, 회전시키다, (몸·눈·고개를) 홱 돌리다, 회전 고리(연결된 두 부분 중 한 쪽은 고정시키고 다른 한 쪽은 회전하게 하는 장치)
Keep your head on a Swivel : 경계를 게을리하지 않다, 정신을 바짝 차리고 경계하다
to swivel means just to turn round and round, something that is on a pivot
he swivel his head to look at me
he swiveled his eyes to the left
it just means to turn something that is fastened to something and it can turn on that
office chairs that swivel, you are able to sit and turn in any diriection
to swivel, to turn, or to spin on an axis
to move or to check or to change that direction
he swiveled round to look at what was behind him
to turn on an axis
to turn on a swivel
he swiveled his eyes in various directions
his eyes swiveled
if something swivels round a central point, so that it's facing in a different direction
the chair you are sitting in, it can't swivel but it can move up and down
you could swivel to face a particular direction, you turn to look in or to face in a certain directions
he swiveled round to look at the people behind him, he turned, he rotated
he swiveled his head to look at the pretty girl walking past
to rotate on a pin or a pivot
the act of swiveling
his mind swiveled, his mind turned
a swivel, it's a device with two parts, each of which can turn independently
it's a little device that allows things to turn in different directions
if you've got a dog on a lead, it is very useful to have a swivel because otherwise the lead can get wound up
it's a coupling that allows one part to revolve or turn without the other acatually turning
a gun which is attached to a swivel
it's like a support but a support that you still have movement
notice, to keep your head on a swivel
this is an idiom, this just means to stay alert
to keep your head on a swivel, to keep looking up and down and around
Formality : 5