Invert : (아래위/안밖/앞뒤를) 뒤집다, (순서를) 도치시키다
inverted : 역의, 반대의, 역으로 바뀐, 반전된
invertedly : 뒤집어서, 도치시켜, 반전시켜
inversion : 자리바꿈, 역전, 반전, 도치, 전도
to invert, means to turn upside down
to turn around
to put the downside up
you turn it the other way up
when you've finished cooking this, take it and invert it onto a cutting board
to invert, to put in the opposite position
to put in the opposite order
to turn it about
to turn it around
to change the order of the two things
to reverse
to transpose
you need to invert the way you are looking at it
to turn upside down
to turn back to front
to turn inside out
to reverse the position
to reverse the order of something
the inverse, the opposite, the other way
probably many of you know this word from an inversion, a grammatical inversion
this is where you change the word order
you change the subject and the auxiliary
you switch them around
we used some sort of inverted logic
you know this egg timer, this thing with sand running through it, you'll have to invert it and then the sand runs through it again
it's turned round
it's turned upside down or even inside out, it can be both of them
Formality : 6.5