Aura : (어떤 사람이나 장소에 서려 있는 독특한) 기운, 분위기
an aura is an intangible but distinctive quality that surrounds a place or things
it's like an atmosphere
there is this feeling
there is this intangible thing
in parapsychology, an aura is an invisible energy field or light that radiates from a person or from an object
it's like that they say that this is a colored emanation
it's got an auras, and has different colors
we use this word an aura, to talk about feeling or a distinctive atmosphere
it's a distinctive atmosphere that comes from it
it's like an energy field that emanates from us
an air
an atmospherer
at ambience
a mood of feeling
feeling or character that a person or a place seems to have
in parashychology, it's this type of light that people say they can see around people or animals
the color of your aura says how you feel
it's like an invisible force and power
an aura of authority
he seems to have this aura of authority
this restaurant has an aura of a 19th century London
he has a distinctive aura of mystery around him
he's got an aura of invincibilitiy
when he steps onto the tennis court, there is this aura of invincibility that goes with him
he just gives out this feeling of power and going to win
he radiated an aura of tranquility and peace and calm
woods have a spooky aura to them
the film has this aura of prehistoric times
Formality : 5