Feed Up : ~을 살찌우다, ~을 튼튼하게 만들다
Fed Up : 지긋지긋한, 신물난
Be fed up, if you are fed up of something, you are bored of it, you are annoyed
you are disappointed because it's been going on too long
I am fed up with him always talking about his problems
I am fed up with this job
you don't want to do it anymore
to be fed up, to be bored with something because it's been going on too long
I am fed up to the back teeth of this
notice, fed up of or fed up with
I am really fed up to the back teeth of him always complaining
I am just tired of it
I am sated
I am disgusted beyound what I can take
I can't stand it anymore
he fed up of doing the same boring job
he's cheesed off
be hacked off
be weary
be sick and tired
be browned off about
I am fed up with my mum always trying to feed me up
I am fed up to the eyeballs with this
to feed up
it means to give food too a person, to make them healthier or fatter
whenever I go home to my mum, she always tries to feed me up
you look like you've lost a lot of weight recently, I need to feed you up
after the illness, he needed to feed himself up
the birds made a nest and they laid their eggs and they hatched the chicks and then after that they fed themselves up to be ready for the winter
to feed somebody up, to give large amounts of food to somebody
you've got to feed him up
feed up, that's probably a very british phrasal verb
to fatten them
my granny is always feeding me up
I think the Americans normally would use the verb to fatten up
to encourage somebody to eat extra food so that they get fatter
Formality : 4.5 for be fed up
Formality : 4 for to feed up