Undertone : 숨은 뜻, 숨은 감정, 함의, 저의, 저음, 조용한 목소리, 적은 존재감, ( (다른 요소들 보다 덜 중요하게 치부되는) 암시, 감정, (강하지 않은)시사
Overtone : 함축, 암시, (다른 요소들 보다 중요하게 치부되는) 시사, 암시, (강하게)시사, (주파수) 배음, 상음
you can use both of these words interchangeably
when it's talking about an implied meaning, an implied quality or something that it's not stated directly but it has a clear flavor, a clear idea, a clear feeling of something
something that suggested but it's not stated clearly, it's implied it you like
an underlying quality at some sort of undercurrent
a subtle subsidiary quality
you can speak in an undertone, you can't speak in an overtone
these are speaking quietly, so maybe if you want to comment something to somebody in during a film or duing a speech, you will speak to them in an undertone
undertone, something quiet
whereas an overtone, this is i think somehting a lot stronger
I wouldn't speak to somebody in overtones
an overtone, talks about something that can be more important than the original
she smiled at me with undertones of love
she smiled at me with overtones of manipulation
undertone is something maybe less important whereas the overtone can be something more important as well
an undertone, a color a smell a flavor that it's part of something but it's not obvious
the food was delicious with understones of our oriental flavor
the taste was sweet but with undertones of something salty and pecan
it's something that is underneath
undertone, this is something underneath and less strong
overtone, it's something that's in addition to what is stated
it's soemthing that is more than
it's something that is suggested very strongly but it's not clearly siad
this was supposed to be a charity event but clearly it had political overtones
there was an overtone of sadness in what he said, he clearly was very sad that he had to say this
I am very often though these two are the same
there were undertones of regret in his voice, I could hear that he was regretful even though that wasn't the main thing
there were overtones of regret in his voice, he didn't directly say that he felt regert but it was very clear and this was maybe more important than his original message
an undertone, a hint, an undercurrent, a suggestion of
an overtone, a connotation, an implication, somehting like this
an overtone in music, this talks about a sound which is a multiplier of the original frequency
this overone in sound, this is a frequency that is a multiple of the fundamental frequency of something
Formality : 5.5 for both