Trauma : (의학)부상, 외상, (심리학) 정신적 외상, 트라우마, 충격적인 경험
Traumatic (Traumatizing) : 정신적 외상을 초래할 정도의, 대단히 충격적인, (의학) 정신적 외상의, 정신적 외상에 의한
Traumatise : 정신적 외상을 초래하다, 엄청난 충격을 주다
Traumatized : 엄청난 충격을 받은, 충격에 빠뜨린, 정신적 외상을 초래한
traumatic, one thing that is interesting with this work is it depends on the context if this word is being used by a doctor or in a hospital
this is talking about a serious bodily injury, normally resulting from an accident or from violence
the doctor's diagnosis was trauma to the neck
there is swelling on his brain due to head trauma
if it is a doctor, the trauma center at the hospital, the patient is recovering from trauma after a car accident
it's effectively bodily injury if the doctor is using it
the surgeon specialized in trauma, he was a trauma surgeon
trauma in a medical sense, you bang your head that would be a that would be trauma
a trauma is where you've been hit, you are bruised, you have concussion or something like that or a fracture or swelling
spinal trauma
injury, wound, bodily damage
but I think when either a shrink, a psychiatrist or the rest of us use this, we normally use this to talk about an emotional wound which gives psychological injury
it was a very traumatic experience, it was very upsetting
when you suffer from emotional trauma then you are shocked by the situation and probably you don't react in a normal way
it's a very upsetting experience that can ause psychological damage
their escape from Syria was a most traumatic experience
it left the children traumatized because it was such a traumatizing experience
the breakup of their marriage was a traumatic experience for both of them
it's emotional shock which goes on
he had psychotheraphy to help him deal with childhood trauma wiht very things that had happend to him in childhood
something traumatic is something that causes trauma that upsets us a lot
the death of a loved one can be very traumatic
to be traumatized, to be mentally emotionally upset
traumatic situation of going bankrupt personally
trauma is a mental condition, it's like an emotional wound or emotional shock which has a longer lasting effects
it's mental suffering, stress, pain, upset, distress that goes on
Formality : 5.5