Windfall : 우발적인 소득, 뜻밖의 횡재, 바람에 떨어진 과실, 낙과(특히 사과)
Windfall Tax : 횡재세(경제 확대로 이익을 본 기업에 정부가 부과하는 부가세), 초과 이윤세, 불로 소득세
a windfall, this talks about money
this is money that you get unexpectedly, you didn't expect to get and it suddenly appears
you could get a windfall from a lottery win
he had a windfall of five thousant pounds from the lottery
or maybe you get a windfall when a distant relative dies and you didn't really know this person but you've been left some money by them
this is an amount of moeny that you win or receive unecpectedly from somewhere from someone
if you investin shares, sometimes you get a windfall, just moeny that you didn't expect to get
the moeny that you win or receive due to some circumstance
this windfall, it comes when not because of anything you've done, it just comes by luck or by from something that is unepected
the basic real meaning of this is fruit that falls from the tree
I went to pick some apples but they were too high up and I couldn't reach them, so I just picked up the windfalls that were on the ground
windfalls, particularly talks about apples
an apples or other fruit that is blown down from a tree or a bush by the wind
windfall fruits
we use this in business, money that you get unecpectedly
a bonanza
an unexpected game
something extra
extra money
a jackpot if you like
manna from heaven
a pot of gold
also, there ahs been quite a lot of talk recently, bout a windfall tax
windfall taxes, are normally extra taxes charged by a government
when this company makes a very large unexpected profit, especially when the company has been helped by economic conditions
so the increase in the price of oil has been a windfall for many oil companies, and therefore the governments are talking about a windfall tax on energy companies because they are going to get a lot of money
this is the idea of a windfall tax
a tax that is levied because people or the government thinks that the company has made excessive profits
they put windfall taxes on a company that is exploiting a monopoly for examples
a privatized utility company that is using its position as a monopoly to get lots moeny from people, so the government placed a windfall tax on this
energy companies are going to see more and more windfall taxes on windfall gains or windfall profits
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