Snaffle : 훔치다, 슬쩍하다, (특히 남들이 기회를 갖기 전에) 재빨리 손에 넣다, 낚아채다, (소 등에 물리는)재갈
Snaffle Up : (욕심 많게/탐욕스럽게 남들보다 먼저) 낚아채다, 재빨리 손에 넣다
to snaffle, this is an informal verb, meaning to take, to nick, to purloin
sombody snaffled my bag
somebody snaffled the last cream cake and I thought I was going to have it
this is an informal word, meaning to take something to appropriate it for your own use
you do it in a rather underhand or a devious mean way
to purloin something
to obtain by irregular means
somebody snaffled my bike
to snaffle, effectively to take something into your possession
very often if you snaffle something or you take it so that nobody else gets it
you get in there before someone else does
to snap up, to steal, to take
all of the bargains were snaffled up in 10 minutes, they were grabbed, they were seized, they were snapped up, they were taken
to snaffle, to take somethin quickly for you in order to prevent anyone else getting it or having it
he snaffled all the crisp before I could have any of them
the best bargains were snaffled up very quickly
it's to take and stop anyone else getting it
I think you can use like that snaffle an opportunity
I thought I was going to be able to get this job but somebody else snaffled it before I even applied for it
people snaffle up bargains
to snaffle an opportunity
this is a very informal word and notice this is British. I don't think the Americans will know this one
now let's see technically, a snaffle is also a bit is a piece of metal that you put in a horse's mouth in order to control the horse or to train it
that is a snaffle, for them to snaffle would means to put a bit on a horse
that is very technical and I would never use it like that
Formality : 3 - 3.5