Lyrics : 노랫말
Lyric : 서정시, (노래의 특정) 가사, 서정시의, 노래 가사의
Lyrical : 서정적인, (표현이)아름답고 열정적인
Wax lyrical [lyrically] about something : ~에 대해 열정적으로 말하다
Lyrics are the words to a song
when people misunderstand or mishear the lyrics to a song, and they sing the wrong words
the lyrics to the song, there are lots of websites where you can find the exact lyrics to your favorite song
it's normally in the plural
a lyric I think is more normally just a line of a song
a lyric is a short poem that expresses your personal thoughts and personal feelings
lyric poetry, a somple direct style that expresses emotions
notice as well, a lyric, a particular line from a song
a lyric, we are going to towards the definition can also mean music that is suitable for the lyre, a lyre is a musical instrument like a harp
you could even have a verb to lyricize
he lyricized about his wonderful tribe
lyrical, expressing your personal feelings and your personal thoughts in a beautical way
lyrical poetry
I think Byron's poets are very lyrical. they express his personal thoughts and feelings but in a beautiful way
a lyrical description of his childhood
lyrical, expressing emotion
a lyrical description of the place
an emotional description of something
you can also have this phrase, to wax lyrical
I would recommend you if you use this to wax lryically about someting, to talk about something with great enthusiasm
he waxed lyrically about his hobby
he waxed lyrically about the wonderful qualities of his football team
he waxed lyrically about his hometown ahd how absolutely wonderful it was
to talk enthusiastically about something
Formality : 5 for lyrics
Formality : 5 for a lyric
Formality : 6.5 for lyrical