Lash : 채찍질, 채찍질하다, 후려치다, 휘갈기다, (밧줄로)단단히 고정하다, 속눈썹, (갑자기) 격렬하게 반응하다, 통렬히 비난하다,
Go out on the lash : (영국) 술을 진탕 마시러 가다
Have a lash : ~을 시도하다
a lash is a whip, the stick with a rope on the end
to lash, to hit with a whip
the sailor was sentenced to 20 lashes with a whip
to lash, to whip, to flog
but you use to lash more commonly, just to mean to hit with a lot of force
the storm lashed the coast
the hurricane lashed the coast
the rain was lashing against the window
to hit in all sorts of ways
the economy has been lashed by increased fuel prices and a downturn in the economy
the rain was lashing down, but notice that's a different meaning was beating the city
to lash down, to beat down
the other meaning of lash is to tie firmly
I lashed the suitcase to the roof of the car
the sailors lashed the cargo to the deck of the ship
to lash, to tie securely with ropes
he lashed the boat to the dock
to lash something in place
to lash down, to make sure everything is lashed because it will be blown away by the wind
to lash something down, to lash it in position
you can have an eyelash
he batted his eyelashes at her
not bat an eyelid at
not bat an eyelash at
an eyelash
we also have a phrasal verb for example, to lash out, meanig to get angry, to try to hurt everybody around you
he lashed out and hit the wrong person by mistake
it's to react angrily all of a sudden
to lash out, to react violently and suddenly in reaction
you lash out, you kick out to lash into sombody
to lash into somebody, to criticize them very strongly
the press has been lashing into him for his misdeeds
to criticize
to attack verbally
to attack, it could be physically
when I was late again the boss lashed into me
we have a couple of phrases
to go out on the lash, this is a very British Phrase, to go out and get drunk, to go out partying with your friends
to have a lash at something, to have a try at it
Formality : 5 for a lash, a whip
Formality : 4.5 for the rain lashed the city
Formality : 5 for to lash something down, to lash it in position
Formality : 5 for eyelash
Formality : 4.5 for the press lashed into him, lash out
Formality : 5 for to go out on the lash