Louse : (비열한놈, 지저분한 놈
Lice : 머릿 이 (복수형)
Lousy : ~이 우글거리는, ~이 더럽게 많은, 형편없는, 아주 안 좋은, 엉망인
Lousily : 형편없게, 몹시 더럽게
Louse something up : ~을 엉망으로만들다
a louse, head lice are little insects that get into your hair and they can be very difficult to get out
in British English they often call tehm knits
this little insect
but we very often use this work a louse, to insult somebody
this guy is a louse
he is untrustworthy and contemptible person
he is always tricking people
more commonly, we use this lousy as an adjective
lousy would be full of life, full of insects
lousy, with full of
this area is lousy with tourist during the summer
family is lousy with money, they've got an abundant amount of it
but we use this word lousy to mean bad very bad
it's bad quality, you don't like it
they don't go to that restaurant, they serve lousy food
he is a lousy football player
lousy politicians, so bad quality
not good
lousy, crappy, shoddy, awful, not much cop, rather rotten, second-rate
it's a lousy quality, inferior quality
I am feeling rather lousy
the weather was lousy
my exam results was rather lousy
lousy, repulsive, horrible
this is a lousy trick that you paid on me
I got a lousy mark in my exam
inferior, not very good
I feel a bit lousy, I don't feel very well
Formality : 5 for a louse, lice
Formality : 3 for all of these insult if you call sombody a louse
Formality : 3.5 for lousy with, lousy grades, lousy weather, lousy food, these are all informal