Nominal : 명목상의, 이름뿐인, (돈의 액수가)아주 작은, 아주 얼마 안되는, 거의 이름뿐인, (언어학)명사의, (무게/값) 공시적, 액면적, 명목적, (공학)규격내에, 허용오차내에, 예상범위내에
Nominally : 명목상으로, 명의상의로
we use this in various different ways but I think the most common one you will find is something that exists only in name but it's not real
He is nominally a Cathollic but he doesn't practice
he is th nominal head of the organization but he doesn't actually run it at all, he is the head in name but he doesn't have any power to change anything
nominally he has the power but in reality he doesn't do it
something that is only like that in name, this is the idea of nominal
nominally he is in charge of this department but in fact his work is very different
nominally he works for the finance department but in fact he is always working in the legal department
the absolute definition but not the reality of something
nominally, in name only
nominally he is the head of the school but all the real work is done by the people under him
we can also say that something is nominal, meaning it's very small and it's insignificant
it's a trifling
if you buy a long lease on a flat in the UK, you will have to pay lots of money for the flat and then you pay a nominal rent every year
he bougth the flat for with a lease of a hundred years with a nominial rent of a hundred pounds a year, because that's only in name it's not the real rent
we will charge you a nominal sum or a nominal fee, you are going to pay something but it doesn't represent the real cost of it, it's just very small
they charged me a nominal amount, an insignificant amount, a token amount
you can also use nominal in linguisitics
a nominal group, this is a noun phrase
a phrase or several words put together that are a noun
all the people present work very hard, here 'all the people present' is a noun phrase and this is nominal group
nominal, effectively a noun
a nominal value, is the presumed value or the presumed amount
you buy a packet of something and it says a hundred grams but this is the nominal weight, it's not the exact weight
it's saying approximately a hundred grams well
it's not the exact weight, it's the official weight
it's what is printed
it's the name of the weight
voltage in this circuit is nominally six volts but there is clearly some variation depending on temperature and other things
in economics, you can have a nominal increase, or a nominal inflation, or a nominal wage rise
this is without adjusting something for inflation
his pay was increased by three percent nominally, that is the real increase in numbers, however as inflation was running at 10 percent, this was in reality a pay decrease because it wasn't increased according to inflation
a nominal pay rise
in companies, you have the nominal share capital
you buy shares in a company so I bought a thousand one pound shares but one pound is not the cost, this is the face value, this is the authorized share capital
you can alsu use this word nominal in engineering, meaning according to plan or according to design
I think this is particularly common for spacecraft or for airplanes
the readings on all the gaugese were nomoinal, they were exactly as expected
they were within specification
they were right
the temperature was rather high but all other readings were nominal, within the tolerance, within the expectation
Formality : 6 - 6.5 for a nominal head
Formality : 6 for a nominal amount
Formality : 7 for a nominal grouping
Formality : 6.5 for the nominal weight
Formality : 6.5 - 7 for a nominal pay increase
Formality : 6 for all readings were nominal