Peril : (심각한/즉각적인)위험, 위험성, 유해한
Perilous : 아주 위험한
Perilously : 아주 위험하게, 아슬아슬하게, 위험할 정도로
Imperil : 위태롭게하다, 위험에 빠뜨리다
peril is just another word for danger
imminent danger
to be in peril
you life is in peril
peril, to be exposed to a risk
a peril, someething that causes a danger that involves risk
you must clearly understand the perils of mountain climbing
you can't avoild the perils involved in this
this is a very perilous piece of road, a dangerous piece of road
a peril, a danger, a great danger, something that is an imminent danger
this business is fraught with peril
fraught with peril, full of dangers
do this at your peril, I am saying I am not responsible you
do select your peril because it's not very safe
one underestimates the dangers of alcohol at your peril
a peril, a danger, something that threatens, something that imperils, something that puts things or people in danger
I think we are in peril of losing sight of the fact that we are part of this planet
we are in danger of this
peril is a risk of that something is injured or something is destroyed or something is lost
in spite of the perils, I managed to survive
these cause jeopardy
a peril, a hazard, a risk, a danger, menace, jeopardy, a threat, something risky, a pitfall, something that is a hazard and a threat to us
a serious and immediate danger
soemthing that causes or presents a danger
the perils of going on alone through thick rainforest
he came perilously close to losing the match
perilously, dangerously
he drove perilously fast down this perilous road
to imperil
to cause to be in danger
to put in danger
to risk
this imperils the success of the project
there are many perils assiciated with the strarting a new comopany
your imperil of losing your money
he was imperiling the lives of the passengers by perious driving
Formality : 6 - 6.5