Engrave : (나무·돌·쇠붙이 등에) 새기다
Engraving : 판화, 판화술, 판화제작
Engraver : (나무·돌·쇠붙이 등에 글자나 무늬를) 새기는[파는] 사람, 판화가
Engraved : 새겨진, 새겨넣은
to engrave, means to cut words or pictures or designs in the surface of something, most normally metal or stone or glass
maybe you have an identity bracelet around your wrist and on that will be engraved your name
you engrave, you cut this into the metal
you can engrave a flat metal sheet
a print, an engraving
when you engrave something, you cut the surface to make a print or to make a design in it
you coul dengrave something in a piece of stone
a wedding ring has an inscription engraved inside
a piece of engraved glass
engraving is cutting designs onto a hard flat surface
maybe just to decorate something
a gold watch will ahve designs engraved in it
a piece of glass may have something engraved or etched within it
you can also this word engrave metaphorically, to talk about to impress very deeply
this site will be engraved on my memory forever, I will always remember it
it's like somebody has cut the surface of your mind to do it
the experience was engraved into my mind
engraved on my heart
something is engraved on you mind
it's something that you are just not going to forget
something engraved, fixed, permanently or deeply in you mind
Formality : 6