Braggadocio : 허풍떠는 사람, 허풍쟁이, 허풍
Braggadocious : 허풍의, 허풍떠는
Braggadociously : (스스로 칭찬하며) 자신의 업적에 대해 굉장히 자랑스럽게 말하는, 허풍스럽게
if you describe somebody as braggadocious, you say that tye are always boasting and blowing their onwn trumpet
they are speaking proudly about their importance
they are bragging or boasting
they are telling stories about how wonderful they are and normally it's maybe rather empty as well
braggadocio as a uncountable noun
this is somebody who express great confidence
they are terribly cocky
a braggadocio, somebody who is always boasting and exaggerating things
they are pretentiously bragging about how brilliant they are
they are always telling everyone how wonderful they are
they are vainly boasting
normally the things that they are boasting about aren't even real
braggadocio is always bragging and telling stories and saying that he could always do it better that he'd always had a bigger one, but just inventing
braggadocious people are not very nice
a braggadocio, empty bragging, empty boasting
big talk about quite how fantastic you are and how much you know but actually there's nothing to it
somebody who is braggadocious is vain
braggadocious people are pretty annoying because normally it's very clear that this is empty
they are boastful and arrogant, baosting
they are gasconading or fanfaronading about how brilliant they are, but in fact it's just empty
they are narcissists who need to be looked at and worshiped
a braggadocio is the personification of vainglory of somebody who was always boasting about how wonderful they were
Formality : 6.5
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