Bait : (낚시사냥용)미끼, (유혹/유도하기 위한) 미끼용 사람, 미끼용 사물, (함정에 놓는)덫, 미끼를 놓다, (일부러)화를 돋우다, 자극하여 도발하다
Bate : 줄이다, 약화하다, 약화시키다
bait, bate, the sound is identical
bait is a noun or a verb
bait is something that you put on your hook when go fishing to attract or catch fish
I put a little piece of bread as bait on my hook
you can use bait as something to poison animals
you use a poison bait to kill rats and mice as well
a bait this is something that attracts an animal in order to catch it
this is a lure
soemthing that you put in a hook
something that you put in a trap to attract worms
you can also use this metaphorically something to entice people to attact people to something in order to trap them
this word click bait, you've got a picture of a naked girl and everybody clicks on it becuse they want to see the naked girl and it's actually an advertisement
to tempt somebody into doing something
very oftoen companies give special offers on certain things as bait to get people into their shops
it's something to lure people in
it's like to bring them into the trap
to entice somebody into it
to trap somebody into something
to lure them in
it's attractive
it tantalizes you
it brings you in
it's attractive
it's an incentive
the carrot and stick, the carrot is the bait
it's something that is a temptation
it's a snare
it induces you
bright loud images are used as bait in advertising to get people to look at the advertisment
you could also bait somebody as in to try to make them angry
he is always baiting me, trying to make me angry but I refuse to react
to bait, to taunt, to torment somebody with persistent insults
to try to get them to react
it teases, it provokes you
to make them angry
he wants me to be in a bait, in a bad temper. that is informal use of it
bate, this word is much more unusual
to bate means, to reduce the intensity of something
I asked him to bate his anger. but that is not common
I think you will see this word bate as in to reduce, with bated breath or with abated breath
to abate to hold back
to bate, to reduce something, to restrain something
the storm bated, I would say the stom abated
it's rather old-fachioned so just use bate with in the forms of 'bated breath'
I am waiting you with bated breath
Formality : 5 for a bait in a hook
Formality : 4 for to bait somebody, to provoke them to try to make them angry
Formality : 3 for in a bait, in a bad temper
Formality : 5 for with bated breath