Rubber Stamp : 고무도장(서류에 날짜·기관명 등을 찍는 데 씀), (남의 행동/결정을)자동적으로 인가하는 사람[집단]
Rubber-Stamp : (법률·계획 등을) 잘 살펴보지도 않고 인가하다
the noun is easy and obivious, a rubber stamp yo stamp something on it
a rubber stamp, something with maybe a symbol on it and you press it on the ink pad and then you bang it onto the document to show that the document has been officially dealth with
all documents need to be stamped with a rubber stamp
a rubber stamp committee
a rubber stamp politics
a rubber stamp parliament
but as a verb, I think it's much more interesting
to rubber-stump, to officially approve something without thinkng about it
to approve without giving it any due care and consideration
if you are lucky they'll just rubber stamp your aggrement
to automatically approve
parliament are just rubber stamped the decisions made by the ruling party
to approve of
to endorse as a matter of routine
Don't think about it, just rubber-stamp it
when authority rubber-stamps a decision or a law, they just don't give it due diligence
they don't think about it
to rubber-stamp somebody's application
the organization are agreed with everything the leader said. they just as a rubber stamp for his orders
to give perfuntory approval of something
to endorse a policy without assessing it or without thinking whether it's good or not
to automatically authorize a payment without challenging it (for example) when you are paying with credit card for your purchases)
to authorize but without thinking about it
many civil servants they just rubber-stamp their work, as if they are just a rubber stamp
Formality : 5 for a rubber stamp
Formality : 4 for to rubber-stamp